向前一步:第49期 往桌前坐(17)(在线收听

   I know that my success comes from hard work, help from others, and being at the right place at the right time. 我知道,我的成功来自于勤奋的工作、他人的帮助以及在正确的时间站在了正确的地方。

  I feel a deep and enduring sense of gratitude to those who have given me opportunities and support. 对于那些给予我机会和支持的人们,我会对此感激涕零,心存无限感恩之情。
  I recognize the sheer luck of being born into my family in the United States 我承认,出生在一个健康、开放的家庭,
  rather than one of the many places in the world where women are denied basic rights. 而不是世界上那些连女人基本权利都没有的地方,绝对是好运气。
  I believe that all of us—men and women alike—should acknowledge good fortune and thank the people who have helped us. 我相信我们所有人——不管男人还是女人,都应该承认自己拥有好运气,应该感激曾经帮助过自己的那些人,
  No one accomplishes anything all alone. 没有人能够单打独斗地完成任何事情。
  But I also know that in order to continue to grow and challenge myself, I have to believe in my own abilities. 同时,我也知道,为了继续成长、挑战自我,我必须要相信自身的能力。
  I still face situations that I fear are beyond my capabilities. 我仍然要面对那些超出我资历的事情;
  I still have days when I feel like a fraud. 我仍然会偶尔感觉自己像个“骗子”;
  And I still sometimes find myself spoken over and discounted while men sitting next to me are not. 我也仍然会时不时地发现自己在谈话中被忽略、不受重视——而我身边的男士们却不会有这些想法。
  But now I know how to take a deep breath and keep my hand up. 好在我终于知道应该深吸一口气,仍然让自己的手高举着。
  I have learned to sit at the table. 我已经学会了往桌前坐。