冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第296期:第十九章 艾莉亚(6)(在线收听

   They'd let the queen kill Lady, that was horrible enough, but then the Hound found Mycah.  他们袖手旁观,让王后杀了淑女,这本来已经够糟,后来又任猎狗逮着了米凯。

  Jeyne Poole had told Arya that he'd cut him up in so many pieces that they'd given him back to the butcher in a bag,  珍妮·普尔告诉艾莉亚,他把米凯大卸八块,人们只好把尸体用袋子装起来交还屠夫,
  and at first the poor man had thought it was a pig they'd slaughtered.  只可怜那杀猪匠起初还以为里面装的是刚杀的猪仔。
  And no one had raised a voice or drawn a blade or anything, not Harwin who always talked so bold, or Alyn who was going to be a knight, or Jory who was captain of the guard.  没有人对此质疑或拔刀相助,什么都没有,不管是最会吹嘘自己勇敢的哈尔温,还是立志要当骑士的埃林,或是身为侍卫队长的乔里,
  Not even her father. 就连父亲也没有出面阻止。
  He was my friend, Arya whispered into her plate, so low that no one could hear.  他是我朋友呀。艾莉亚对着餐盘低语,声音低到无人听见。
  Her ribs sat there untouched, grown cold now, a thin film of grease congealing beneath them on the plate.  她的排骨躺在盘里,动也没动,已经冷掉了,餐盘和肉块间凝了一层油。
  Arya looked at them and felt ill. She pushed away from the table. 艾莉亚越看越恶心,便推开椅子站起来。
  Pray, where do you think you are going, young lady? Septa Mordane asked. 等等,小姐,你要去哪里啊?茉丹修女问。
  I'm not hungry. Arya found it an effort to remember her courtesies. May I be excused, please? she recited stiffly. 我不饿。艾莉亚想起要顾及礼节。请问,我可以先告退吗?她生硬地背诵道。