冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第298期:第十九章 艾莉亚(8)(在线收听

   When she slammed that door and dropped the heavy crossbar, nobody could get into her room, not Septa Mordane or Fat Tom or Sansa or Jory or the Hound, nobody!  她只要把门一摔,放下沉重的门闩,便谁也别想进来。不论茉丹修女、胖汤姆、珊莎、乔里还是死猎狗,他们都进不来,通通都进不来!

  She slammed it now. 这会儿她就把门一摔。
  When the bar was down, Arya finally felt safe enough to cry. 等门闩放好,艾莉亚终于觉得自己可以尽情地哭了。
  She went to the window seat and sat there, sniffling, hating them all, and herself most of all.  她走到窗边坐下,一边吸着鼻涕,一边痛恨着所有的人,尤其恨她自己。
  It was all her fault, everything bad that had happened. Sansa said so, and Jeyne too. 一切都是她的错,所有的事都因她而起。珊莎这么说,珍妮也这么说。
  Fat Tom was knocking on her door. Arya girl, what's wrong? he called out. You in there? 胖汤姆正在敲门。艾莉亚小妹,怎么啦?他叫道,你在里面吗?
  No! she shouted. The knocking stopped. A moment later she heard him going away. Fat Tom was always easy to fool. 不在!她吼回去。敲门声停了,片刻之后她听见他走远的声音。胖汤姆向来很好骗。
  Arya went to the chest at the foot of her bed.  艾莉亚拖出放在床脚的箱子,
  She knelt, opened the lid, and began pulling her clothes out with both hands, grabbing handfuls of silk and satin and velvet and wool and tossing them on the floor.  她跪下来,掀开盖子,双手并用,开始把她的衣服往外丢,把满手丝质、绸缎、天鹅绒、羊毛织的衣物扔到地板上。
  It was there at the bottom of the chest, where she'd hidden it.  东西藏在箱底,艾
  Arya lifted it out almost tenderly and drew the slender blade from its sheath.Needle. 莉亚轻轻地捧起它,抽出剑鞘。缝衣针。
  She thought of Mycah again and her eyes filled with tears.  她想起米凯,顿时泪水盈眶。
  Her fault, her fault, her fault. If she had never asked him to play at swords with her? 是她的错,她的错,她的错。如果她没要他跟自己练剑…
  There was a pounding at her door, louder than before. Arya Stark, you open this door at once, do you hear me? 门上响起更大的敲门声。艾莉亚·史塔克,立刻把门给我打开,你听见了没有?