冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1030期:第四十八章 丹妮莉丝(23)(在线收听

   More stones came flying. She tried to crawl toward the tent, but Cohollo caught her. Fingers in her hair, 更多石块朝她飞来,她试图往帐篷爬去,却被科霍罗一把攫住头发,

  he pulled her head back and she felt the cold touch of his knife at her throat. 向后拉扯,冰冷的刀锋架上她的喉咙。
  "My baby," she screamed, and perhaps the gods heard, for as quick as that, Cohollo was dead. “我的宝宝!”她尖叫,或许天上诸神真的听见了,因为她莆一出声,科霍罗便倒地身亡。
  Aggo's arrow took him under the arm, to pierce his lungs and heart. 阿戈的箭正中他胸膛,射穿肺部和心脏。
  When at last Daenerys found the strength to raise her head, 等丹妮莉丝终于找回力气抬头,
  she saw the crowd dispersing, the Dothraki stealing silently back to their tents and sleeping mats. 群众已经渐渐散去,原本围观的多斯拉克人蹑手蹑脚地返回自己的营帐和睡席。
  Some were saddling horses and riding off. 有的直接装上马鞍骑马离去。
  The sun had set. Fires burned throughout the khalasar, great orange blazes that crackled with fury and spit embers at the sky. 夕阳西沉,卡拉萨营地里篝火熊熊,团团橙焰发出愤怒的哔啪声,将火星吐进夜空。
  She tried to rise, and agony seized her and squeezed her like a giant's fist. 她试着起身,却因剧痛无法动弹,仿佛被巨人的拳头紧紧握住。
  The breath went out of her; it was all she could do to gasp. 她难以呼吸,只能拼命喘气。
  The sound of Mirri Maz Duur's voice was like a funeral dirge. 弥丽·马兹·笃尔的吟唱有如葬仪上的挽歌。
  Inside the tent, the shadows whirled. 帐篷内,黑影盘旋。
  An arm went under her waist, and then Sir Jorah was lifting her off her feet. 一只手抱住她的腰,乔拉爵士把她扶了起来。
  His face was sticky with blood, and Dany saw that half his ear was gone. 他满脸是血,丹妮发现他还少了半只耳朵。
  She convulsed in his arms as the pain took her again, and heard the knight shouting for her handmaids to help him. 剧痛再度袭来,她在他怀里猛烈抽搐,只听见骑士大声呼唤她的女仆过来帮忙。