冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1032期:第四十八章 丹妮莉丝(25)(在线收听

   No, she shouted, or perhaps she only thought it, for no whisper of sound escaped her lips. 不,她高声尖叫,莫非这只是她脑中的想法?因为她的双唇没有发出任何声音。

  She was being carried. Her eyes opened to gaze up at a flat dead sky, black and bleak and starless. 有人把她抬起来,她睁开眼睛,凝望着上方平板死寂的天空,漆黑而凄凉,无星之夜。
  Please, no. The sound of Mirri Maz Duur's voice grew louder, until it filled the world. 不,求求你们!弥丽·马兹·笃尔的吟唱越变越大,淹没了整个世界。
  The shapes! she screamed. The dancers! 那些可怕的形体啊!她尖叫,那些骇人的舞者啊!
  Sir Jorah carried her inside the tent. 乔拉爵士抱着她走进帐篷。
  Arya. The scent of hot bread drifting from the shops along the Street of Flour was sweeter than any perfume Arya had ever smelled. 艾莉亚。从面粉街沿路店铺传出的热面包气味,比艾莉亚闻过的任何一种香水都要诱人。
  She took a deep breath and stepped closer to the pigeon. 她深吸一口气,朝鸽子又靠近一步。
  It was a plump one, speckled brown, busily pecking at a crust that had fallen between two cobblestones, 这是只肥鸽,身上长满褐斑,正忙着啄食地上鹅卵石缝隙间的面包屑。
  but when Arya's shadow touched it, it took to the air. 然而艾莉亚的影子一碰到它,它便拍翅飞起。
  Her stick sword whistled out and caught it two feet off the ground, and it went down in a flurry of brown feathers. 她的木剑咻地一声窜出,在离地两尺的半空中击中鸟儿,随后它便伴着一堆棕羽毛掉落地面。
  She was on it in the blink of an eye, grabbing a wing as the pigeon flapped and fluttered. It pecked at her hand. 只一眨眼功夫,她便冲到鸽子旁边,抓住它一只翅膀。鸽子拼命振翅欲飞,还啄她的手。
  She grabbed its neck and twisted until she felt the bone snap. 但她抓住它的脖子用力一扭,直到感觉骨头断裂。
  Compared with catching cats, pigeons were easy. 与抓猫相比,捕鸽子实在简单。