冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1052期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(20)(在线收听

   High atop the pulpit, Sir Ilyn Payne gestured and the knight in black-and-gold gave a command. 在高高的讲坛上,伊林·派恩爵士做了个手势,黑金铠甲的骑士立即下达命令。

  The gold cloaks flung Lord Eddard to the marble, with his head and chest out over the edge. 金袍卫士把艾德大人按在大理石板上,头和胸露出台子边缘。
  Here, you! an angry voice shouted at Arya, but she bowled past, shoving people aside, squirming between them, slamming into anyone in her way. “喂!干什么啊你!”一个愤怒的声音对艾莉亚大吼,但她浑不关心,她或把人推开,或从中钻过,谁要挡路就一头撞去。
  A hand fumbled at her leg and she hacked at it, kicked at shins. 有人伸手抓她的脚,她挥剑便砍,又用力踢中对方胫骨。
  A woman stumbled and Arya ran up her back, 有位女人摔倒,艾莉亚立刻跳上她的背,
  cutting to both sides, but it was no good, no good, there were too many people, no sooner did she make a hole than it closed again. 一边朝左右猛砍,可是没用,完全没用,人实在是太多了,无论何处,她才瞥见缺口,瞬间又被人填满。
  Someone buffeted her aside. She could still hear Sansa screaming. 有人在殴打她,想把她赶开。她惟一能分辨的是珊莎的尖叫。
  Sir Ilyn drew a two-handed greatsword from the scabbard on his back. 伊林爵士从背后抽出一把双手巨剑,
  As he lifted the blade above his head, sunlight seemed to ripple and dance down the dark metal, glinting off an edge sharper than any razor. 当他把剑高举过头时,阳光在沉暗的金属上舞跃波动,那剑锋比任何剃刀都要锐利。
  Ice, she thought, he has Ice! Her tears streamed down her face, blinding her. 寒冰,她意识到,他拿的是寒冰!眼泪流下两颊,遮住了视线。
  And then a hand shot out of the press and closed round her arm like a wolf trap, so hard that Needle went flying from her hand. 正在这时,一只手从人群中飞速窜出,如捕狼的陷阱般紧紧扣住她的手臂,力道之大,使得缝衣针从手里飞了出去。
  Arya was wrenched off her feet. 艾莉亚被抓离地面,
  She would have fallen if he hadn't held her up, as easy as if she were a doll. 她觉得自己好像个洋娃娃,被轻易地擒来抱去。