冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1059期:第五十章 布兰(5)(在线收听

   Bran could not recall the last time he had been in the crypts. It had been before, for certain. 布兰不记得自己上次到墓窖来是什么时候的事了,但可以确定,是意外发生之前。

  When he was little, he used to play down here with Robb and Jon and his sisters. 他小时候常与罗柏、琼恩及姐姐们在这下面玩耍。
  He wished they were here now; the vault might not have seemed so dark and scary. 他好希望这会儿他们都在,那样的话,墓窖就不会这么阴森吓人。
  Summer stalked out in the echoing gloom, then stopped, lifted his head, and sniffed the chill dead air. 夏天潜入充满回音的幽暗,停下脚步,抬起头,嗅嗅死寂的冰冷空气。
  He bared his teeth and crept backward, eyes glowing golden in the light of the maester's torch. 随后它张嘴露出尖牙,缓步向后爬开,在学士的火炬照耀下,它的双眼闪着金光。
  Even Osha, hard as old iron, seemed uncomfortable. 即便刚强如铁的欧莎,此刻也觉得有些不自在。
  "Grim folk, by the look of them," she said as she eyed the long row of granite Starks on their stone thrones. “看起来都是些阴森的家伙。”她一边扫视长排的大理石王座,一边说,上面坐着历代的史塔克。
  They were the Kings of Winter, Bran whispered. Somehow it felt wrong to talk too loudly in this place. “他们是冬境之王。”布兰低声道。不知怎地,他觉得在这里似乎不应该大声讲话。
  Osha smiled. "Winter's got no king. If you'd seen it, you'd know that, summer boy." 欧莎微微一笑。“冬天是没有国王的。假如你亲眼见识过凛冬的威力,你就知道啦,夏天的小子。”
  They were the Kings in the North for thousands of years, “他们在北境称王长达数千年之久,”
  Maester Luwin said, lifting the torch high so the light shone on the stone faces. 鲁温师傅说着举起火把,照亮石像的脸庞。
  Some were hairy and bearded, shaggy men fierce as the wolves that crouched by their feet. 它们有的头发极长,生了大胡子,毛茸而坚毅的脸有如趴伏脚下的冰原狼;
  Others were shaved clean, their features gaunt and sharp-edged as the iron longswords across their laps. 有的则是修面整洁,五官憔悴而锐利,有如横放膝上的铁剑。