冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1070期:第五十章 布兰(16)(在线收听

 "There they forged the Pact. “他们在那里订立了‘盟誓’,

The First Men were given the coastlands, the high plains and bright meadows, the mountains and bogs, 规定先民拥有海岸、平原、草原、山脉和沼泽,
but the deep woods were to remain forever the children's, and no more weirwoods were to be put to the axe anywhere in the realm. 但繁茂的大森林永远归森林之子所有,而王国全境也不准再砍伐任何一棵鱼梁木。
So the gods might bear witness to the signing, every tree on the island was given a face, 为使天上诸神见证此神圣盟誓,他们为岛上每一棵树都刻了脸,
and afterward, the sacred order of green men was formed to keep watch over the Isle of Faces. 并在此成立‘绿人’的神圣组织,专司看守千面屿。”
The Pact began four thousand years of friendship between men and children. “‘盟誓’开始了人类与森林之子间四千年的友谊,
In time, the First Men even put aside the gods they had brought with them, and took up the worship of the secret gods of the wood. 到后来,先民甚至抛弃了他们从东方带来的信仰,改而崇拜森林之子的神秘诸神。
The signing of the Pact ended the Dawn Age, and began the Age of Heroes." 盟誓的签署结束了黎明之纪元,开始了英雄之纪元。”
Bran's fist curled around the shiny black arrowhead. "But the children of the forest are all gone now, you said." 布兰的手掌,紧紧握住闪亮的黑箭头。“可你说森林之子已经灭绝了。”
Here, they are, said Osha, as she bit off the end of the last bandage with her teeth. “在这里,他们是灭绝了,”欧莎一边说,一边用牙齿咬断绷带末端。
"North of the Wall, things are different. That's where the children went, and the giants, and the other old races." “长城以北可就不一样。森林之子、巨人还有其他古老的民族就是到那儿去啦。”
Maester Luwin sighed. "Woman, by rights you ought to be dead or in chains. 鲁温师傅叹道:“女人,照理说你应该被处以死刑或至少披枷戴锁。
The Starks have treated you more gently than you deserve. 史塔克家族给你的待遇,远超过你所应得的。
It is unkind to repay them for their kindness by filling the boys' heads with folly." 他们对你这么好,你却把这孩子的脑袋里装满荒唐思想,实在是太忘恩负义了。”