冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1072期:第五十章 布兰(18)(在线收听

   "It's coming," he whispered, with the certainty of despair. “它来了。”他小声说,语气中有种肯定的绝望。

  He had known it since last night, he realized, since the crow had led him down into the crypts to say farewell. 他突然明白,自己从昨天晚上便已知道,因为三眼乌鸦带他到墓窖去道别。
  He had known it, but he had not believed. 他虽然知道,却不肯相信,
  He had wanted Maester Luwin to be right. 只下意识地希望鲁温师傅说得没错。
  The crow, he thought, the three-eyed crow... 那只乌鸦,他心想,那只三眼乌鸦……
  The howling stopped as suddenly as it had begun. 狼嚎才刚开始,便告结束。
  Summer padded across the tower floor to Shaggydog, and began to lick at a mat of bloody fur on the back of his brother's neck. 夏天穿过房间,走到毛毛狗身边,开始舔舐弟弟颈背干涸的血块。
  From the window came a flutter of wings. 窗边传来翅膀拍打的声音。
  A raven landed on the grey stone sill, opened its beak, and gave a harsh, raucous rattle of distress. 一只渡鸦降落在灰石窗棂上,张开鸟喙,发出一声尖锐、粗哑而痛苦的哀鸣。
  Rickon began to cry. His arrowheads fell from his hand one by one and clattered on the floor. 瑞肯哭了,箭头从他手中一个又一个地滑落,坠地,叮当作响。
  Bran pulled him close and hugged him. 布兰把他拉过来,紧紧搂住他。
  Maester Luwin stared at the black bird as if it were a scorpion with feathers. 鲁温师傅怔怔地望着黑鸟,仿佛它是生了羽毛的毒蝎。
  He rose, slow as a sleepwalker, and moved to the window. 他站起身,动作缓慢,宛如梦游般地走向窗边。
  When he whistled, the raven hopped onto his bandaged forearm. 当他轻吹口哨,渡鸦便跳上他缠着绷带的前臂。
  There was dried blood on its wings. 鸟儿翅膀上有干掉的血迹。
  "A hawk," Luwin murmured, "perhaps an owl. Poor thing, a wonder it got through." “一定是猎鹰,”鲁温喃喃自语:“或者是夜枭。可怜的家伙,它能活着抵达真是奇迹。”
  He took the letter from its leg. 他取下鸟儿脚上的信。