冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1073期:第五十章 布兰(19)(在线收听

   Bran found himself shivering as the maester unrolled the paper. 眼看学士展开信纸,布兰发现自己止不住颤抖。

  "What is it?" he said, holding his brother all the harder. “信上说什么?”他问,同时更用力地抱紧弟弟。
  You know what it is, boy, Osha said, not unkindly. She put her hand on his head. “小子,你已经知道是什么了。”欧莎说,话中并无恶意。她伸手摸摸他的头。
  Maester Luwin looked up at them numbly, 鲁温师傅抬起头,木然地看着他们。
  a small grey man with blood on the sleeve of his grey wool robe and tears in his bright grey eyes. 这位身材瘦小,灰衣灰发的老人,长袍袖子上沾满血迹,明亮的灰色眼瞳里泪光晶莹。
  "My lords," he said to the sons, in a voice gone hoarse and shrunken, “大人,”他用一种整个沙哑掉、干瘪掉的声音,对公爵的两个儿子说,
  "we... we shall need to find a stonecarver who knew his likeness well... " “我们……我们得找个熟悉他容貌的雕刻师父了……”
  Sansa. In the tower room at the heart of Maegor's Holdfast, Sansa gave herself to the darkness. 珊莎。在梅葛楼深处的高塔房间里,珊莎将自己彻底投入黑暗。
  She drew the curtains around her bed, slept, woke weeping, and slept again. 她拉上床帘,昏沉沉地睡去,醒了便哭,哭累再睡。
  When she could not sleep she lay under her blankets shivering with grief. 睡不着的时候,她蜷缩在被窝里,哀恸欲绝,颤抖不已。
  Servants came and went, bringing meals, but the sight of food was more than she could bear. 仆人们来了又去,为她送来一日三餐,但她一见食物就无法忍受。
  The dishes piled up on the table beneath her window, untouched and spoiling, until the servants took them away again. 于是一碟碟碰都没碰的饭菜在窗边桌上越堆越高,直到后来发酸发臭,仆人将之收走为止。