冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1077期:第五十一章 珊莎(4)(在线收听

   If you won't rise and dress yourself, my Hound will do it for you, Joffrey said. “你不赶紧起来换衣服,我就叫我的狗帮你换。”乔佛里说。

  I beg of you, my prince... I'm king now. Dog, get her out of bed. “求求您,我的王子……”“我是国王。狗,把她拖下来。”
  Sandor Clegane scooped her up around the waist and lifted her off the featherbed as she struggled feebly. 桑铎·克里冈抓住她的手腕,将她自羽毛床上拎起来,任她虚弱的挣扎。
  Her blanket fell to the floor. Underneath she had only a thin bedgown to cover her nakedness. 毯子滑落地面,她只穿了一件薄薄的睡袍。
  "Do as you're bid, child," Clegane said. "Dress." “孩子,照他的话去做,”克里冈说,“快把衣服穿上。”
  He pushed her toward her wardrobe, almost gently. 他把她推向衣柜,动作竟有些温柔。
  Sansa backed away from them. 珊莎推开他们。
  "I did as the queen asked, I wrote the letters, I wrote what she told me. “我照王后的要求做了,写了信,内容也都是照她的话写的。
  You promised you'd be merciful. Please, let me go home. 您答应我会手下留情。求求您,让我回家吧。
  I won't do any treason, I'll be good, I swear it, I don't have traitor's blood, I don't. I only want to go home." 我不会背叛你的,我会很乖、很听话,我发誓。我体内没有叛徒的血统,真的没有。我只是想回家。”
  Remembering her courtesies, she lowered her head. "As it please you," she finished weakly. 想起应该注重礼节,她垂下头。“如果您高兴的话,”她有气无力地说。
  It does not please me, Joffrey said. "Mother says I'm still to marry you, so you'll stay here, and you'll obey." “我一点也不高兴。”乔佛里道,“母亲说我还是得娶你,所以你必须留在这里,而且要乖乖听话。”
  I don't want to marry you, Sansa wailed. "You chopped off my father's head!" “我不想嫁给你,”珊莎悲泣着说,“你砍了我父亲的头!”
  He was a traitor. I never promised to spare him, only that I'd be merciful, and I was. “他是个叛徒,我从没答应饶他一命,只说会手下留情,我也真的手下留情了。
  If he hadn't been your father, I would have had him torn or flayed, but I gave him a clean death. 他要不是你父亲,我会把他分尸剥皮,但我却让他死得干脆。”