冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1078期:第五十一章 珊莎(5)(在线收听

   Sansa stared at him, seeing him for the first time. 珊莎怔怔地望着他,这才头一次把他瞧了个清楚。

  He was wearing a padded crimson doublet patterned with lions and a cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar that framed his face. 他穿着绣满狮子的加衬鲜红外衣,金缕披风,高领搭配着他那张脸。
  She wondered how she could ever have thought him handsome. 她不禁纳闷自己怎么会觉得他英俊潇洒?
  His lips were as soft and red as the worms you found after a rain, and his eyes were vain and cruel. "I hate you," she whispered. 他的嘴唇又红又软,活像雨后土中翻到的蠕虫,他的双眼则是虚妄又残忍。“我恨你。”她低声说。
  King Joffrey's face hardened. "My mother tells me that it isn't fitting that a king should strike his wife. Sir Meryn." 乔佛里国王脸色一凛。“母亲说国王不应该动手打妻子。马林爵士。”
  The knight was on her before she could think, 她还不及反应,
  yanking back her hand as she tried to shield her face and backhanding her across the ear with a gloved fist. 骑士便已拉开她试图遮脸的手,掐起重拳甩了她一记耳光。
  Sansa did not remember failing, yet the next she knew she was sprawled on one knee amongst the rushes. Her head was ringing. 珊莎不记得自己跌倒,但等她回过神来,已经单膝跪倒在草席上,头晕目眩。
  Sir Meryn Trant stood over her, with blood on the knuckles of his white silk glove. 马林·特兰爵士矗立在她上方,白丝手套指节处有血迹。
  Will you obey now, or shall I have him chastise you again? “你是乖乖听话,还是要我再让他教训你一次?”
  Sansa's ear felt numb. She touched it, and her fingertips came away wet and red. "I... as... as you command, my lord." 珊莎的耳朵没了知觉,她伸手一摸,指尖湿湿的都是血。“我……听候您差遣,大人。”
  Your Grace, Joffrey corrected her. "I shall look for you in court." He turned and left. “是‘陛下’。”乔佛里纠正她,“等会儿朝廷上见。”说完他转身离去。