冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1101期:第五十二章 丹妮莉丝(12)(在线收听

   After the dimness of the tent, the world outside was blinding bright. 习惯了帐篷内的昏暗,外面的世界亮得吓人。

  The sun burned like molten gold, and the land was seared and empty. 太阳如融化的黄金,烧灼着大地,炙烤的地面干裂而空洞。
  Her handmaids waited with fruit and wine and water, and Jhogo moved close to help Sir Jorah support her. Aggo and Rakharo stood behind. 女仆们端着水、酒和瓜果等在一旁,乔戈走上前来,协助乔拉爵士搀扶她,阿戈和拉卡洛则站在后面。
  The glare of sun on sand made it hard to see more, until Dany raised her hand to shade her eyes. 烈日照在沙地上,反射的强光使她很难视物,直到丹妮举手遮眼,
  She saw the ashes of a fire, a few score horses milling listlessly and searching for a bite of grass, a scattering of tents and bedrolls. 这才见到一团营火的余烬,几十匹马无精打采地走来走去,寻找那一点点青草,此外还有少数的营帐和睡袋。
  A small crowd of children had gathered to watch her, and beyond she glimpsed women going about their work, 一小群幼童围聚过来看她,更远处还有些妇人做着日常琐事,
  and withered old men staring at the flat blue sky with tired eyes, swatting feebly at bloodflies. 几名佝偻的老人,睁着疲倦不堪的眼睛,痴痴地望向湛蓝的天空,虚弱地挥赶血蝇。
  A count might show a hundred people, no more. 仔细一数,大约只有百来个人,就这么多。
  Where the other forty thousand had made their camp, only the wind and dust lived now. 原先足足四万战士的营地,如今只剩风沙和尘土。
  Drogo's khalasar is gone, she said. A khal who cannot ride is no khal, said Jhogo. “卓戈的卡拉萨走了。”她说。“无法骑马的卡奥没有资格当卡奥。”乔戈道。
  The Dothraki follow only the strong, Sir Jorah said. "I am sorry, my princess. There was no way to hold them. “多斯拉克人只追随强者,”乔拉爵士说,“公主殿下,我很抱歉,我们实在留不住人。
  Ko Pono left first, naming himself Khal Pono, and many followed him. 波诺‘寇’第一个离开,并自称波诺卡奥,不少人跟了他。
  Jhaqo was not long to do the same. 没过多久,贾科也如法炮制。
  The rest slipped away night by night, in large bands and small. 剩下的人则趁着夜色,大群小群地,一天一天走光。
  There are a dozen new khalasars on the Dothraki sea, where once there was only Drogo's." 从前多斯拉克海中只有卓戈的卡拉萨,如今却有了十多个新的。”