冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1113期:第五十三章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   I saw one raft smashed to kindling and three others overturned, men swept into the river and drowned... 我亲眼看到一艘木筏被砸得稀烂,另外三艘翻倒,上面的人都被卷进河里淹死……

  and those who did make it across found the Starks waiting for them on the riverbanks." 而好不容易过河的人,却发现史塔克军正在对岸等着他们。”
  Sir Flement Brax wore a silver-and-purple tabard and the look of a man who cannot comprehend what he has just heard. "My lord father..." 佛列蒙·布拉克斯爵士穿着一件银紫相间的罩袍,脸上露出难以置信的表情。“我父亲,我父亲大人他——”
  Sorry, my lord, the messenger said. "Lord Brax was clad in plate-and-mail when his raft overturned. He was very gallant." “大人,我很遗憾。”信使说,“布拉克斯大人的筏子翻船时,他穿戴着全身铠和锁甲。他是个勇士。”
  He was a fool, Tyrion thought, swirling his cup and staring down into the winy depths. 他是个蠢蛋,提利昂心想,一边摇晃酒杯,朝杯中的漩涡望去。
  Crossing a river at night on a crude raft, wearing armor, with an enemy waiting on the other side, 大半夜的,全副武装,乘着简陋的木筏穿过急流,朝对岸严阵以待的敌人扑去,
  if that was gallantry, he would take cowardice every time. 假如这叫做勇士,他宁可每次都当懦夫。
  He wondered if Lord Brax had felt especially gallant as the weight of his steel pulled him under the black water. 不知布拉克斯伯爵被沉重的盔甲拖进漆黑的深水时,有没有觉得特别英勇啊?
  The camp between the rivers was overrun as well, the messenger was saying. “随后,两河之间的营地也被敌人攻陷,”信使续道,
  "While we were trying to cross, more Starks swept in from the west, two columns of armored horse. “我们忙着渡河时,史塔克军的重骑兵排成两个纵队,从西边杀出。
  I saw Lord Umber's giant-in-chains and the Mallister eagle, 我看到安柏伯爵的碎链巨人旗和梅利斯特家族的老鹰纹章,
  but it was the boy who led them, with a monstrous wolf running at his side. 但最可怕的却是那个带头的小鬼,他身边跟了一头怪物似的狼。
  I wasn't there to see, but it's said the beast killed four men and ripped apart a dozen horses. 我没和他们交手,听说那只怪物杀了四个活人,咬死十几匹马。
  Our spearmen formed up a shieldwall and held against their first charge, 后来我军的长枪兵组成盾墙,挡住他们的第一次冲锋,谁料徒利家一看咱们无暇他顾,
  but when the Tullys saw them engaged, they opened the gates of Riverrun and Tytos Blackwood led a sortie across the drawbridge and took them in the rear." 便打开奔流城门,由泰陀斯·布莱伍德率军渡过吊桥出击,偷袭我军后方。”
  Gods save us, Lord Lefford swore. “诸神保佑。”莱佛德伯爵咒道。