冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1114期:第五十三章 提利昂(6)(在线收听

   Greatjon Umber fired the siege towers we were building, “大琼恩·安柏放火烧了我们辛苦建造的攻城塔,

  and Lord Blackwood found Sir Edmure Tully in chains among the other captives, and made off with them all. 布莱伍德大人则找到了被我们锁起来的艾德慕·徒利爵士以及其他战俘,并将他们通通救走。
  Our south camp was under the command of Sir Forley Prester. 南寨由佛勒·普莱斯特爵士指挥,
  He retreated in good order when he saw that the other camps were lost, with two thousand spears and as many bowmen, 眼见相邻的阵地纷纷失守,他便率领手下两千枪兵和两千弓箭手井井有条地向西撤退了,
  but the Tyroshi sellsword who led his freeriders struck his banners and went over to the foe. 但那掌管自由骑手的泰洛西佣兵却砍断旗帜,投靠了敌方。”
  Curse the man. His uncle Kevan sounded more angry than surprised. “该死的家伙,”凯冯叔叔的口气不仅惊讶,更加愤怒。
  "I warned Jaime not to trust that one. A man who fights for coin is loyal only to his purse." “我早警告过詹姆别相信这混蛋,为钱而战的人只会为自己的腰包卖命。”
  Lord Tywin wove his fingers together under his chin. Only his eyes moved as he listened. 泰温公爵十指交叉,顶着下巴,倾听时只有眼睛在动。
  His bristling golden side-whiskers framed a face so still it might have been a mask, 他两颊的金黄短须围出一张纹丝不动的脸,活像一张面具。
  but Tyrion could see tiny beads of sweat dappling his father's shaven head. 然而,提利昂注意到父亲的光头上密布细小汗珠。
  How could it happen? Sir Harys Swyft wailed again. “这怎么可能?”哈瑞斯·史威佛爵士再度哀嚎。
  "Sir Jaime taken, the siege broken... this is a catastrophe!" “詹姆爵士被俘,围城军队又遭击溃……简直是大难临头!”
  Sir Addam Marbrand said, "I am sure we are all grateful to you for pointing out the obvious, Sir Harys. 亚当·马尔布兰爵士道:“哈瑞斯爵士,我们都很感激您指出显而易见的事实,
  The question is, what shall we do about it?" 但眼下的当务之急是,我们下一步该怎么走?”
  What can we do? Jaime's host is all slaughtered or taken or put to flight, “还能怎么样?詹姆的军队不是被杀、被俘就是逃散,
  and the Starks and the Tullys sit squarely across our line of supply. 而史塔克家与徒利家的部队正好扼住我们的补给线,
  We are cut off from the west! 我们与西边的联系完全被切断了!