英文格言警句 第13期:修身养性(4)(在线收听

   On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing but mind.  —Alexander Hamilton, founding father of America 地球上人最伟大,人类中心灵最伟大。——亚历山大·汉密尔顿,美国奠基人

  Only he can judge of matter's great and high whose soul is likewise.  —Michel de Montaigne,French writer 只有心灵伟大而崇高的人,才能评价伟大而崇高的事物。——蒙田,法国作家
  The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.  —H.Black, American writer 生活的范围是随着心胸的开阔而变宽广的。—— H.布莱克,美国作家
  To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation. —Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher 尊重知识、追求真理和净化心灵,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声高尚得多。——苏格拉底,古希腊哲学家
  The high-minded man does not bear grudges, for it is not the mark of a great soul to remember injuries, but to forget them. —Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher 品格高尚的人不怀恨,因为一个伟大灵魂的标志不是牢记自己所受的伤害,而是忘记它们。——亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家