美国有线新闻 CNN 美国佛州发生校园枪击案 狂风肆虐冬奥会致比赛取消(在线收听


AZUZ: News broke yesterday afternoon about a shooting at a high school in Parkland, the city of southeast Florida. Information was still coming in as we produce this show. There was a lot that was still unknown as of last night. CNN.com will have the latest details on the shooting.

One aspect of the Winter Olympics that's stealing headlines worldwide isn't about what the athletes are doing, but what's affecting many of them, the weather. We covered the bitter cold last week and the days leading up to the games. One problem now is the wind.

Gusts have been measured as high as 50 miles per hour. That's a force of a tropical storm. It's caused several events to be postponed, and in one competition that was held in windy conditions, the women slope style final, 41 of the 50 runs that were tried ended in either a crash or a rider deciding not to go through with the trick.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The weather is really starting to become a bit of an issue here at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Now, it is warmer, but it is incredibly windy. This is the Olympic Park in Gangneung. This is the area where a lot of the skating events are taking place, which is lucky because they are actually inside.

There are announcements at the moment telling people that they should stay inside, saying it's actually dangerous for people to be outside. This is the main superstore here in the Olympic Park and it's just closed down. They said that it was temporarily closed because of the strong winds.

Now, we've seen a number of firefighters around. We've seen the police sort of taking away anything that could become airborne, anything that isn't really connected to the ground at this point, because there are concerns. You can see a lot of people who are actually ignoring the warnings, saying that they should actually stay inside.

But, of course, people are being affected by this. It's not just the athletes that are being affected by these winds. We know a number of the events have been postponed over recent days, but spectators now as well are being told stay inside.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Gangneung, inside Korea.
