与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第19期:圆锥形帐篷(在线收听

   Tepees 圆锥形帐篷

  Do you know some American Indians live in tents? 你知道一些美国印第安人住帐篷吗?
  Two hundred years ago, American Indians moved a lot. 200年前,美国印第安人经常搬家。
  Because there were many fruits, vegetables, fish and animals, they did not have to grow grain. 因为这里有充足的水果蔬菜、鱼类和动物,所以他们不用种粮食。
  They moved from one place to another when they could not find any more food. 当他们找不到食物时,就从一个地方搬到另一个地方。
  So they did not want to spend much time building houses. Instead they made tents. 所以,他们不想花太多的时间建房子,而是制作了帐篷。
  Their tents are called tepees. 他们的帐篷被称为圆锥形帐篷。
  Tepees are usually made of animal skins or tree bark. 圆锥形帐篷通常是用动物皮或树皮做的。
  Can we see tepees now? 我们现在还能看到圆锥形帐篷吗?
  Yes, we can. Some American Indians still live in tepees to keep their traditions. 当然能。一些美国印第安人为了保持传统仍住在帐篷里。