与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第18期:武士(在线收听

   Samurai 武士

  Who are samurais? 谁是武士?
  Samurais were high ranking soldiers in Japan. 武士是日本的高等士兵。
  They wore armor and used swords. 他们身穿盔甲,使用刀剑。
  First, samurais worked for the upper class. 一开始,武士替上层阶级效命。
  But they governed Japan later. 但后来他们统治日本。
  There were a lot of samurais in Japan. 日本那时有很多武士。
  And those samurais affected Japanese culture a lot. 那些武士深深影响了日本文化。
  The cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan. 樱花是日本的国花。
  Because Japanese people believe it stands for the samurai spirit. 因为日本人认为它是武士道精神的象征。
  Did only Japanese men become a samurai? 只有日本人能成为武士吗?
  No, there were some western samurais too. 不是,那时也有一些西方武士。
  If the rule of Japan allowed it, a western person could become a samurai. 如果获得日本统治者的许可,西方人就能成为武士。