冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1115期:第五十三章 提利昂(7)(在线收听

   They can march on Casterly Rock if they so choose, and what's to stop them? 他们甚至可以大摇大摆地进军凯岩城,谁又能阻止他们呢?

  My lords, we are beaten. We must sue for peace. 诸位大人,我们战败了,应该立刻求和。”
  Peace? Tyrion swirled his wine thoughtfully, took a deep draft, and hurled his empty cup to the floor, where it shattered into a thousand pieces. “求和?”提利昂若有所思地晃着酒杯,一饮而尽,随后将空杯往地上一掷,摔成千百碎片。
  "There's your peace, Sir Harys. “哈瑞斯爵士,这就是求和的结果。
  My sweet nephew broke it for good and all when he decided to ornament the Red Keep with Lord Eddard's head. 打从我那好外甥决定拿艾德大人的头来装饰红堡的那一刻起,所有和谈的机会都粉碎了。
  You'll have an easier time drinking wine from that cup than you will convincing Robb Stark to make peace now. 眼下要跟罗柏·史塔克求和,比用地下这破杯装酒还难。
  He's winning... or hadn't you noticed?" 占上风的是他……难道您没发现?”
  Two battles do not make a war, Sir Addam insisted. "We are far from lost. “两场战役的胜负并不能决定整个战争的成败,”亚当爵士坚持,“我们还远远没有战败。
  I should welcome the chance to try my own steel against this Stark boy." 我很乐意跟这史塔克小鬼在战场上亲自较量较量。”
  Perhaps they would consent to a truce, and allow us to trade our prisoners for theirs, offered Lord Lefford. “或许他们会答应暂时停战,以便双方交换人质。”莱佛德伯爵提议。
  Unless they trade three-for-one, we still come out light on those scales, Tyrion said acidly. “除非他们愿意三个换一个——这样我们都嫌不够咧。”提利昂尖酸地说,
  "And what are we to offer for my brother? Lord Eddard's rotting head?" “再说了,我们拿谁去换我哥哥?拿艾德大人烂掉的头么?”
  I had heard that Queen Cersei has the Hand's daughters, Lefford said hopefully. "If we give the lad his sisters back... " “听说瑟曦太后手上握有首相的两个女儿,”莱佛德满怀希望地说,“假如我们提出把这小子的妹妹还给他……”
  Sir Addam snorted disdainfully. "He would have to be an utter ass to trade Jaime Lannister's life for two girls." 亚当爵士轻蔑地哼了一声。“他疯了才拿詹姆·兰尼斯特的命来换两个小女生。”
  Then we must ransom Sir Jaime, whatever it costs, Lord Lefford said. “那就把詹姆爵士赎回来,不管花多少金子。”莱佛德伯爵道。