冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1116期:第五十三章 提利昂(8)(在线收听

   Tyrion rolled his eyes. "If the Starks feel the need for gold, they can melt down Jaime's armor." 提利昂翻起白眼。“史塔克家要真那么缺钱,把詹姆的盔甲拿去熔掉不就得啦。”

  if we ask for a truce, they will think us weak, Sir Addarn argued. "We should march on them at once." “我们求和,他们就会看轻我们。”亚当爵士争辩,“依我之见,我们应该立刻进兵。”
  Surely our friends at court could be prevailed upon to join us with fresh troops, said Sir Harys. “嗯,想必我们宫中的朋友会乐意提供补充兵力,”哈瑞斯爵士说,
  "And someone might return to Casterly Rock to raise a new host." “同时也应当派人回凯岩城组织新军。”
  Lord Tywin Lannister rose to his feet. 这时,泰温·兰尼斯特公爵霍地起身。
  "They have my son," he said once more, in a voice that cut through the babble like a sword through suet. "Leave me. All of you." “我儿子在他们手上!”他重复了一遍,声音穿透众声喧哗,宛如利剑划破油脂。“退下,统统退下。”
  Ever the soul of obedience, Tyrion rose to depart with the rest, but his father gave him a look. 提利昂向来习于听命,于是他立即起身,准备和其他人一起离去。但父亲看了他一眼,
  "Not you, Tyrion. Remain. And you as well, Kevan. The rest of you, out." “不,提利昂,你留下。凯冯,你也是。其他人给我出去。”
  Tyrion eased himself back onto the bench, startled into speechlessness. 提利昂坐回板凳,惊讶得说不出话来。
  Sir Kevan crossed the room to the wine casks. "Uncle," Tyrion called, "if you would be so kind..." 凯冯爵士穿过房间,走到酒桶边。“叔叔,”提利昂叫道,“可否麻烦您——”
  Here. His father offered him his cup, the wine untouched. “拿去。”父亲把自己面前那杯一动未动的酒递给他。
  Now Tyrion truly was nonplussed. He drank. 这下提利昂真有些不知所措。他只有喝的份。
  Lord Tywin seated himself. "You have the right of it about Stark. 泰温公爵坐下来。“关于史塔克那边,你的判断没错。
  Alive, we might have used Lord Eddard to forge a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, 假如艾德大人还活着,我们可以用他当筹码,与临冬城和奔流城达成停战,
  a peace that would have given us the time we need to deal with Robert's brothers. 如此一来,便有时间全力对付劳勃的两个弟弟。
  Dead... " His hand curled into a fist. "Madness. Rank madness." 眼下他死了……”他的手紧握成拳。“胡来,完全是胡来。”