冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1117期:第五十三章 提利昂(9)(在线收听

   Joff's only a boy, Tyrion pointed out. "At his age, I committed a few follies of my own." “小乔只是个孩子,”提利昂解释,“我在他这年纪的时候,也干过不少蠢事。”

  His father gave him a sharp look. 父亲目光锐利地瞪了他一眼。
  "I suppose we ought to be grateful that he has not yet married a whore." “是么?好在他没娶妓女为妻。”
  Tyrion sipped at his wine, wondering how Lord Tywin would look if he flung the cup in his face. 提利昂啜着酒,心想他若把酒杯朝父亲的脸上泼去,泰温公爵会是什么表情。
  Our position is worse than you know, his father went on. "It would seem we have a new king." “目前形势比你们所知的更糟,”父亲继续道,“我们有了个新国王。”
  Sir Kevan looked poleaxed. "A new, who? What have they done to Joffrey?" 凯冯爵士浑身一震。“新国——是谁?他们把乔佛里怎样了?”
  The faintest flicker of distaste played across Lord Tywin's thin lips. 一抹极细微的嫌恶扫过泰温公爵的薄唇。
  "Nothing... yet. My grandson still sits the Iron Throne, but the eunuch has heard whispers from the south. “没怎么样……至少到目前为止,我外孙依旧坐在铁王座上,但那太监收到南方的消息。
  Renly Baratheon wed Margaery Tyrell at Highgarden this fortnight past, and now he has claimed the crown. 两周前,蓝礼·拜拉席恩在高庭娶了玛格丽·提利尔为妻,并登基为王,
  The bride's father and brothers have bent the knee and sworn him their swords." 新娘的父亲和兄长都已向他下跪宣誓效忠。”
  Those are grave tidings. When Sir Kevan frowned, the furrows in his brow grew deep as canyons. “这真是坏消息。”凯冯爵士皱眉时,额上的沟纹深如峡谷。
  My daughter commands us to ride for King's Landing at once, to defend the Red Keep against King Renly and the Knight of Flowers. “我女儿命令我们立刻前往君临,协防红堡,抵御蓝礼‘国王’和百花骑士。”
  His mouth tightened. "Commands us, mind you. In the name of the king and council." 他嘴唇一抿。“注意,她是以国王和御前会议之名‘命令’我们。”