冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1118期:第五十三章 提利昂(10)(在线收听

   How is King Joffrey taking the news? Tyrion asked with a certain black amusement. “乔佛里国王对此事有何反应?”提利昂带着某种黑色的兴致发问。

  Cersei has not seen fit to tell him yet, Lord Tywin said. "She fears he might insist on marching against Renly himself." “瑟曦认为现在还不宜告诉他,”泰温公爵说,“她恐怕他会坚持亲自出兵征讨蓝礼。”
  With what army? Tyrion asked. "You don't plan to give him this one, I hope?" “出兵?哪来的军队?”提利昂问,“你该不会打算把这支军队交给他吧?”
  He talks of leading the City Watch, Lord Tywin said. “他曾宣称要率领都城守卫队出征。”泰温公爵道。
  If he takes the Watch, he'll leave the city undefended, Sir Kevan said. "And with Lord Stannis on Dragonstone... " “他带走都城守卫队,城里势必防御空虚,”凯冯爵士说,“那么龙石岛的史坦尼斯公爵……”
  Yes. Lord Tywin looked down at his son. “是的。”泰温公爵睥睨着侏儒儿子。
  "I had thought you were the one made for motley, Tyrion, but it would appear that I was wrong." “提利昂,我原以为你生来只有杂耍的份,不过看来我是错了。”
  Why, Father, said Tyrion, "that almost sounds like praise." “哟,老爸,”提利昂说,“听起来好像赞美哩。”
  He leaned forward intently. "What of Stannis? He's the elder, not Renly. How does he feel about his brother's claim?" 他笑着往前靠去。“那么,史坦尼斯方面有何行动?他才是长兄,蓝礼只是三子。对于弟弟称王一事,他有何反应?”
  His father frowned. "I have felt from the beginning that Stannis was a greater danger than all the others combined. 父亲皱眉道:“从一开始,我就认为史坦尼斯比其他所有人加起来还要危险,
  Yet he does nothing. Oh, Varys hears his whispers. 但他却毫无动静。嗯,瓦里斯是有些情报,
  Stannis is building ships, Stannis is hiring sellswords, Stannis is bringing a shadowbinder from Asshai. 比如史坦尼斯正在建造船只,史坦尼斯正在招募佣兵,还说史坦尼斯从亚夏找来一个缚影师,
  What does it mean? Is any of it true?" He gave an irritated shrug. "Kevan, bring us the map." 可这究竟代表着什么?其中又有多少属实?”他有些恼怒地耸耸肩。“凯冯,拿地图来。”
  Sir Kevan did as he was bid. Lord Tywin unrolled the leather, smoothing it flat. 凯冯爵士即刻照办。泰温公爵展开皮地图,将之摊平。