英国语文第一册 第63期:洗衣日(在线收听

   LESSON 63 WASHING DAY 第六十三课 洗衣日

  Two little girls, called Lucy and Jane, lived in a cottage in the country. 有两个小女孩分别叫做路西和简,他们住在乡村的小屋里。
  One day they were playing with their dolls. 有天她们正在玩玩偶。
  They were busy talking about something, when one of them said, "Let us go and ask mother." 她们在热烈地讨论着什么,其中一个说,"我们去请教妈妈吧。"
  Together they went into the house, where their mother was sewing, and Lucy said, "Please, mother, may we have a washing day?" 她们一起走进屋子,她们的妈妈正在缝衣服,路西说道,我妈妈,今天让我们洗衣服好么?
  "A washing day!" said their mother. 洗衣日!她们的妈妈回答到。
  "What do little girls want with a washing day?" 两个小女孩洗衣日想干什么呢?
  Oh, do please let us have one, for our dolls' clothes are so dirty," said Jane. 啊,真的请让我们有个洗衣日,因为我们的玩具衣服太脏,简这样说道。
  "Dirty! are they?"said their mother. "Then you may wash them; but be careful to keep yourselves clean." 脏!真的么?那你们洗吧,但是你们一定要保持干净,他们的妈妈说到。
  In the kitchen they got a small tub, some warm water, and a piece of soap.  他们从厨房拿了一个小浴盆,一些热水以及一块肥皂。
  Then they went out to the green behind the house and began to wash. 然后他们来到了屋后的绿地开始洗玩具。
  All the clothes were taken off both the dolls, and then put into the tub. 他们脱掉了玩具所有的衣服,放进浴盆里。
  Lucy washed them quite clean, and Jane hung them on a cord to dry. 路西洗的非常干净,简把衣服晾晒在绳索上。
  When the dolls were dressed again in their clean clothes, they looked like two little queens. 两个玩具穿上了新衣,看起来像两个小公主。