英国语文第一册 第70期:壶和他的朋友(在线收听


  I am a kettle. You have often seen me at work boiling water for your breakfast, dinner, or tea. 我是个壶,你看到我为你的早餐,晚餐,茶叶,煮沸腾的开水。
  Do you know what I am made of? I will tell you. I am made of iron; because iron will bear a great heat. 知道我由什么做的么?我老告诉你。铁做的;因为铁可以承受高温。
  Here is my friend the coffee-pot. Do you know what he is made of? "No." 这是我的朋友咖啡壶。你知道他由什么做的么?不知道吧。
  Then I will tell you. My friend the coffee-pot is made of tin.  我来告诉你。他由锡做的。
  He sometimes sits beside me on the hob.  他有时候会跟我呆在铁架上。
  I often pour water into him hot enough to scald him, if he could only feel it. 我常常给他倾倒足够烫的热水来烫他,因为他只能感受到这个温度。
  Now you shall see a family of my friends. Without them I should not be so useful as I am. 现在你看到的是我朋友的家庭成员。没有他们我就不会有这么大的作用。
  Here they are. In the middle you see the teapot, and all around her the cups and saucers, just like a hen and her chickens.  他们在这里。在中间你会看到茶壶,周边是茶杯和茶托,就像母鸡跟小鸡一样。
  The coffee-pot and the tea-pot are my two greatest friends. 咖啡壶和茶壶是我我两个最棒的朋友。
  I have not so much to do with the cups and saucers as my two friend shave.  我并不像我的两个朋友一样与杯子一起茶托有太大关系。
  But I often see them, and I know of what they are made of 但是我常会看到他们,我知道他们是什么材料制作的。
  Cups and saucers are made of clay, and are baked in an oven to make them hard. 茶杯和茶托由粘土制造,在炉子上烘烤之后才变硬。
  I must bid you good afternoon, as I am wanted to boil water for tea. 我必须跟你说下午好,因为我要去为茶煮开水了。