中英双语新闻 美国司法部起诉2名俄罗斯间谍 称其对雅虎进行黑客攻击(在线收听

BBC News with Cathy Clarkston.

The U.S. Justice Department has indicted two Russian spies in connection with a massive breach of information, affecting 500 million Yahoo! accounts in 2014. It's the 

first time Washington has levied criminal charges against Russian government officials. The group's targets included security, diplomatic and military personnel.

The United States' central bank has raised its interest rates by a quarter of a percent. It's the third rise in 15 months by the Federal Reserve, and the bank's Chair, 

Janet Yellen, said the economy was making solid progress. But the rates are still very low, between 0.75% and 1%.

Syria's state news agency says at least 30 people have been killed in a suicide bombing at the main courthouse in Damascus. Later, a second suicide bomber targeted a restaurant, causing severe casualties.

The U.N.'s Intellectual Property Agency says China is on track to leap over Japan and the United States in the next two years to become the world's top user of the 

international patent system. It said the number of patent applications from China soared by almost 45% last year.

Voters have turned out in large numbers for the Netherlands' general election, with extra polling stations being opened in some areas to cope with demand. The election 

is being watched elsewhere in Europe for signs of how well the anti-E.U., anti-immigrant Freedom Party will perform.

The authorities in Ethiopia say 113 people are now known to have died in Sunday's landslide at a rubbish dump. 3 days of national mourning are being observed for the 

victims. The tragedy occurred on the outskirts of the capital, Addis Ababa.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says it will review vehicle fuel efficiency standards put in place by Barack Obama's administration. The head of the EPA said 

they were costly for the motor industry, but he's facing criticism from environmental groups.

Cathy Clarkston为您播报BBC新闻。


美联储已将其利率提升0.25%。这是美联储15个月以来第3次提升利率,美联储主席Janet Yellen (耶伦)表示,美国经济一直在稳步前进。虽然比率依然很低——在0.75%-1%之间。




埃塞俄比亚当局称,目前已知有113人因周日发生的山崩而在某垃圾场遇难。目前埃塞俄比亚正在为遇难者进行为期3天的全国哀悼。这次的悲剧发生在首都亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa)郊区。

美国环境保护署(EPA, Environmental Protection Agency)称将会对奥巴马政府施行的燃油效率标准进行审查。环境保护署领导人表示,燃油效率标准对汽车制造业而言成本过高,但他目前正在面对来自环境保护组织的批评。
