中英双语新闻 北极女教师荣获全球教师奖(在线收听

BBC News with Jonathan Izard.

The head of US Congressional Committee on Intelligence says he has seen no evidence of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential election campaign last year. Speaking to Fox News, the Committee Chairman Devin Nunes also said there was no evidence that the former President Barack Obama had ordered wiretap surveillance of Trump Tower. On Monday, the Director of the FBI James Comey appears before the Intelligence Committee to answer evidence about whether Russia interfered in the election.

The Social Democrats in Germany have elected the former European Parliament President Martin Schulz as party leader to take on their senior coalition partners, the Christian Democrats, in the election in September. Mr. Schulz attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel's plans to cut taxes and welfare programs while boosting defense spending and pledged to resist anyone trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the European Union.

Syrian government forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with rebels on the eastern edge of Damascus. Syrian state media said militants from faction linked to Al-Qaeda used secret tunnels to launch the surpriseattack.

The Brazilian President Michel Temer is holding emergency meetings with his ministers, foreign ambassadors and meat producers to discuss the country's meat industry crisis. On Friday, federal police agents closed three meat packing plants and arrested executives after discovering they had been selling rotten produce for many years.

The Hindu hardline leader has tried to reassure religious minorities in India's biggest state Uttar Pradesh after being sworn in as Chief Minister. Yogi Adityanath said his top priorities would be good governance and development for all.

The one-million-dollar Global Teacher Prize has been won by a Canadian who teaches in a school in the Arctic which can only be reached by air. Maggie MacDonnell set up life skills programs, a fitness center, and a community kitchen for her students. At the awards ceremony in Dubai, she said she wanted to address the high levels of youth suicides in her community.

Jonathan Izard为您报道BBC新闻。

美国国会情报委员会负责人表示,他没有发现证据表明去年总统竞选期间俄罗斯与唐纳德·特朗普互相串通。接受福克斯新闻采访时,该委员会主席努尼斯(Devin Nunes)还表示,没有证据表明奥巴马总统曾下令监控特朗普大厦。周一,FBI局长詹姆斯·科米(JamesComey)前往情报委员会,回答关于俄罗斯是否干预选举的问题。

德国社会民主党选举前欧洲议会主席舒尔茨(Martin Schulz)为党魁,在9月份的选举中挑战他们的高级联盟伙伴,基督民主党。舒尔茨抨击了默克尔总理削减税收和福利项目却增加国防支出的计划,承诺反对试图挑拨德国和欧盟之间关系的任何人。



印度教强硬派领袖宣誓就职首席部长后试图安抚印度最大的北方邦宗教少数派。约吉·阿迪亚纳斯(Yogi Adityanath)表示,他的当务之急是努力执政,促进发展。

价值100万美元的全球教师奖由一名加拿大教师获得,她在北极一所学校任教,只能乘坐飞机到达这里。麦克唐奈(Maggie MacDonnell)为学生设立了求生技能课,训练中心和社区厨房。在迪拜的颁奖典礼上,她表示,她希望能解决她所在地区高水平的自杀率。
