英国语文第二册 第7期:忙碌的蜜蜂(在线收听

   LESSON 7 The bee 第七课 蜜蜂

  I love to see the busy bee, 我喜欢看着忙碌的蜜蜂
  I love to watch the hive: 我喜欢观察蜂房
  When the sun is hot they linger not— 即使艳阳高照,他们也不偷懒
  It makes them all alive. 工作让他们充满活力
  God gave them skill, and with good will 上帝给了他们本领,并且是善意的
  They to their work attend: 他们致力于他们的工作
  Each little cell is shaped so well, 每一个小蜂室形状都很好
  That none their work can mend. 他们的工作完美无缺
  Now in, now out, they move about, 他们忙里忙外,来来去去
  Yet all in order true; 且有条不紊
  Each seems to know both where to go, 好像每一个人都知道对方要去哪儿
  And what it has to do. 和要做什么
  'Mid summer heat, the honey sweet 炎热的仲夏,蜂蜜是香甜的
  It gathers while it may, 他们尽可能的收集
  In tiny drops, and never stops 即使只有少少几滴,他们也从不停止
  To waste its time in play. 也不浪费时间游玩
  I hear it come, I know its hum; 我知道他来了,我听见了他的嗡嗡声
  It flies from flower to flower; 他从这朵花飞到了那朵花
  And to its store a little more 并且一点儿点儿的收集
  It adds, each day and hour. 每分每秒
  Just so should I my heart apply, 这样我应该用心
  My proper work to mind: 专心的工作
  Look for some sweet in all I meet, 我满足于寻找一些甜蜜
  And store up all I find. 然后将我寻找到的都存储起来