英国语文第三册 第7期:总是很迟的男孩(在线收听

   LESSON 7 The boy who was always too late 第七课 总是很迟的男孩

  Solomon Slow was the son of a gentleman, who lived on the border of the New Forest. 所罗门·斯洛是一位绅士的儿子,住在新福瑞斯特的边界。
  His mother called him Solomon,Because,she said,he is a wise child; 'slow and sure' is sure to do well. 之所以给他取所罗门,他妈妈说:“因为他是一个聪明的孩子,肯定会脚踏实地的做好事情。”
  Yes,said his father;but he is too slow; and unless he become a little more quick, and a little less lazy, I shall never make a man of him. 他爸爸说:“是啊,但是他太迟钝了,除非他再快一点,也勤奋点才行。我没见过像他这么一个男孩。”
  When he was about ten years old, his father and some friends planned a picnic in the Forest, and hired a large van to take them there. 所罗门十岁的时候,他爸爸和朋友准备去森林里野餐,在周围升起一个大大的篝火。
  They were to set out at seven in the morning. Solomon knew this, as he had heard his father say so the night before. 他们准备在早上出发,一共七个人,因为所罗门听到他爸爸前一天晚上说过这事,所以他知道了。
  The sun was shining very brightly when he awoke at six the next morning; but he was as lazy as ever. 第二天一早,六点醒来,阳光十分明媚,但是他没有像以前一样懒惰,
  If I get up about ten minutes before seven,said he,I shall be down in plenty of time. 他自言自语:“如果我在六点五十分起床,我还有大把的时间。”
  So he lay still in bed, and heard all the party pass his door as they went down stairs. 然后所罗门一直躺在床上,因为大家要下楼梯,他听到大家经过他房间的声音。
  They even called to him; but he gave no answer, and only lazily rolled himself up in the clothes. 即使大家叫他,他也没有回应,只是懒散的躺在床上。
  At last, up he jumped, dressed, and ran down stairs; but he found the breakfast-room empty, and the van gone! 最后,他跳了起来,穿衣打扮,跑下楼梯,他才发现餐厅是空的,车已经开走了!
  Snatching up his hat, he ran as fast as he could down the road; but there was a high wind, and the dust was in clouds everywhere. 抓起自己的帽子,冲出去跑到马路上,但是风很大,到处都泛起了灰尘,
  He screamed and bawled for the van to stop; but all in vain. 他大吼大叫,想让车停下来,但是一切都徒劳无功。
  No one could hear him; and at last, tired with running, and half choked with dust, he walked sulkily home. 没有人听到他的声音,最后,他跑的疲惫不堪,被灰尘呛的半死,只好生气地走回家。
  But even this did not cure him. 但是这并不能让他反省过来,
  He was a lazy boy, and grew up to be a lazy man; and when in business, though the coach passed his door every day, he was seldom ready. 因为他是一个懒惰的男孩,也会长成一个懒惰的男人。在生意上,即使每天都有机遇降临,他都还没准备就绪。
  Just look at him, in the picture, running up the hill, and bawling.Stop! stop! 看看画面中的他,在大山中奔跑,大叫着:“停下!停下!”