英国语文第三册 第8期:水手和猴子(在线收听

   LESSON 8 The sailor and the monkeys 第八课 水手和猴子

  A sailor once went ashore on the coast of South America. 从前,一个水手在南美的海岸靠岸,
  He had with him a number of red woolen caps for sale. 他有很多红毛帽子要卖。
  On his way to a town at some distance from the coast, he had to pass through a forest, in which troops of monkeys were everywhere seen climbing among the trees. 在他去小镇的路离海岸有一段距离,他已经穿越了一座有很多在树上爬的猴子的森林。
  At noon, as the sun was right overhead, the sailor had to take shelter from its burning rays. 中午时分,热辣辣的太阳直挂天空,水手不得不寻找阴凉地避下太阳
  He lay down to rest under the shade of a large tree. 他躺在一棵大树下的阴凉处休息。
  Taking one of the caps out of his bundle, he put it on his head, and soon fell fast asleep. 拿出一捆帽子里的一顶帽子放在头上,很快他就睡着了。
  When he awoke, he found, to his utter amazement, that the caps were all gone! 醒过来的时候,他才惊讶的发现,他的帽子全都不见了!
  A most unusual chattering among the dense branches above him drew his attention. 茂密的树枝里奇怪的喧闹声引起了他的注意。
  Looking up, he saw the trees alive with troops of monkeys, and on the head of each monkey was a red woolen cap! 抬头一看,他才发现树上住着猴子家族,每个猴子都有一顶红毛帽子!
  The little mimics had watched his proceeding; and, having stolen his caps while he slept, had adorned their black pates with their booty. 小家伙看到什么就模仿什么,所以趁他睡觉的时候偷走了他的帽子,用获得的战利品装饰自己的脑袋。
  The monkeys gave no heed to his shouts, but only grinned at his rage. 猴子没有注意到他的吼叫,虽然他很愤怒,但是猴子只是一个劲的笑。
  Finding every attempt to get back his caps fruitless, he pulled off the one which he had put on his head, and threw it on the ground, crying out,  每次尝试都无法夺回帽子,他就把帽子脱下来扔在地上,大叫:
  "Here, you little thieving rogues, if you will keep the rest, you may take this one too!" “喂!你个小偷,如果你还是留着的话,你也会得到报应的。”
  No sooner had he done this, than, to his great surprise, the little animals at once did the same. 他做完之后,出乎他意料的是,小猴子们都模仿他。
  Each snatched the cap from his head and threw it on the ground! The sailor regained all his caps, and marched off in triumph. 每一顶被偷的帽子都被扔在地上,水手又拿到了所有的帽子,就凯旋而归了!