英国语文第三册 第9期:春天的声音(在线收听

   LESSON 9 The voice of spring 第九课 春天的声音

  I am coming, little maiden! 小女孩,我来了!
  With the pleasant sunshine laden, 阳光满载欢乐
  With the honey for the bee, 蜜蜂勤劳采蜜
  With the blossom for the tree, 树枝开满鲜花
  With the flower and with the leaf:— 绿叶环绕鲜花--
  Till I come, the time is brief. 然后我来了,时间短暂不已
  I am coming, I am coming! 我来了!我来了!
  Hark! the little bee is humming; 听!小蜜蜂正嗡嗡叫
  See! the lark is soaring high 瞧!百灵鸟正高声唱
  In the bright and sunny sky; 阳光明媚天空里
  And the gnats are on the wing. 昆虫展翅飞翔中
  Wheeling round in airy ring. 盘旋发出回响声
  See! the yellow catkins cover all the slender willows over;  看!黄柳垂落大地上所有细柳垂落在
  And on banks of mossy green 成片绿色青苔中
  Star-like primroses are seen; 现出美丽报春花
  And, their clustering leaves below 一簇一簇叶子下
  White and purple violets blow. 绽放白紫罗兰花
  Hark! the new-born lambs are bleating; 听!新生羊羔咩咩叫
  And the cawing rooks are meeting 云雀成群栖息在
  In the elms—a noisy crowd! 榆树中--闹声一片
  All the birds are singing loud; 所有鸟儿大声唱
  And the first white butterfly 首只白色小蝴蝶
  In the sunshine dances by. 阳光下面尽情舞
  Look around thee—look around! 瞧瞧你周围--瞧一瞧!
  Flowers in all the fields abound; 鲜花已遍地开满
  Every running stream is bright; 清澈溪水正流动
  All the orchard trees are white, 所有果树已变白
  And each small and waving shoot 每棵小小树枝里
  Promises sweet flowers and fruit. 承载鲜花和水果
  Turn thine eyes to earth and heaven! 瞧瞧世界和天堂
  God for thee the Spring has given; 上帝赐予美丽春
  Taught the birds their melodies, 教会群鸟动听曲
  Clothed the earth, and cleared the skies, 又为大地披衣装,还让天空更明亮
  For thy pleasure or thy food:— 所有快乐和食物--
  Pour thy soul in gratitude? 告知感恩不可缺
  Mary Howitt Mary Howitt