冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1128期:第五十四章 琼恩(5)(在线收听

   The gift of a sword, even a sword as fine as Longclaw, did not make him a Mormont. Nor was he Aemon Targaryen. 他不会因为别人送他一把剑,即便像长爪那么好的剑,就变成莫尔蒙家族的人。他也不是伊蒙·坦格利安。

  Three times the old man had chosen, and three times he had chosen honor, but that was him. 老人做了三次抉择,三次都选择了荣誉,但那是他。
  Even now, Jon could not decide whether the maester had stayed because he was weak and craven, or because he was strong and true. 即便现在,琼恩还是不敢确定,老学士做出那样的选择,究竟是因为懦弱无力,还是因为心地坚强、忠于职守。
  Yet he understood what the old man had meant, about the pain of choosing; he understood that all too well. 但无论如何,他了解老人的困惑,关于抉择的痛苦,他太了解了。
  Tyrion Lannister had claimed that most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it, but Jon was done with denials. 提利昂·兰尼斯特曾说:多数人宁可否认事实,也不愿面对真相,但琼恩已经想透了种种磨难。
  He was who he was; Jon Snow, bastard and oathbreaker, motherless, friendless, and damned. 他清楚地知道自己是谁:他是琼恩·雪诺,不但是私生子,更是背离誓约的逃兵,既无母亲,亦无朋友,将遭天谴。
  For the rest of his life, however long that might be, he would be condemned to be an outsider, 终其一生——不论他这一生能有多长——都将被迫流浪,
  the silent man standing in the shadows who dares not speak his true name. 成为阴影中沉默的孤民,不敢说出真名。
  Wherever he might go throughout the Seven Kingdoms, he would need to live a lie, lest every man's hand be raised against him. 无论走到七国何处,必将生活在谎言之中,否则别人会对他群起而攻之。
  But it made no matter, so long as he lived long enough to take his place by his brother's side and help avenge his father. 但是,只要他能与兄弟并肩作战,为父亲报仇雪恨,所有这些都无足轻重。
  He remembered Robb as he had last seen him, standing in the yard with snow melting in his auburn hair. 他记得自己最后一次见到罗柏的情景。当时罗柏站在广场上,红褐头发间雪花融化。
  Jon would have to come to him in secret, disguised. 如今琼恩可能必须易容之后,才能偷偷去见他。