英国语文第三册 第12期:一只狗是如何得到它的晚餐(在线收听

   LESSON 12 How a dog got his dinner 第十二课 一只狗是如何得到它的晚餐

  In a town in the south of France, twenty poor people were served with dinner, at a certain hour every day. 法国南部的一个小镇上,有20个流浪汉每天聚在一起享用晚餐.
  A dog belonging to the place was always present at this meal, to watch for the scraps that were now and then thrown to him. 一只当地的小狗常常出现在他们身旁,等着他们的残渣剩饭.
  The guests, however, were poor and hungry, and of course not very liberal. 然而,由于享用者又穷又饿,当然不是非常自由自在的.
  So the poor dog hardly did more than smell the feast, of which he would have liked a share. 因此,这只流浪狗因为喜欢共享食物,就很难尝到很多食物.
  Now it happened that this dinner was served out to each one on his ringing a bell; 现在每一次的晚餐都是在小狗拉响铃之后享用的,
  but, as the person who served the dinner handed it through a small opening, he did not see who received it. 但是,由于晚餐是通过小门送出的,送餐的人就不知道谁吃了这餐饭.
  Well, one day the dog had waited till all the poor people were gone. 一天,小狗等到所有流浪者都离开之后,
  Having himself got very little to eat, he reached up, took hold of the rope by his teeth, and rang the bell. 留给自己的只有一丁点食物,它就立起来用牙齿咬住栓铃铛的绳子,敲响铃铛--
  A good dinner was at once handed out, and the dog ate it with great delight. 就有一顿丰盛的晚餐可以享用,小狗吃的非常开心.
  This was done by the dog for several days; but the rogue was at length found out. 这是好几天前发生的事情了,但是小淘气肯定这么做很久了.
  It was thought, however, so clever for a dog, that he was allowed to take his regular turn at the dinner every day. 但是,想一想,多聪明的一只小狗啊,每一天都可以有机会吃晚饭,
  And thus he went on for a long time, ringing the bell, and taking his meal with the other beggars! 因此他走了很久,敲响铃铛,和流浪者共享食物.