中英双语新闻 特朗普表示乐意与金正恩会晤(在线收听

BBC News.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas has published its first new policy document since its founding charter in an effort to soften its image. In the document Hamas declares its willingness to accept an interim Palestinian state within the pre-1967 boundaries, but without recognizing Israel's right to exist. It stresses its conflict is not with Jews, but with what it calls the Zionist occupiers.

The centrist front-runner for the French presidency Emmanuel Macron has attacked the National Front Party of his far-right rival Marine Le Pen as representing hatred and violence. Earlier, Ms. Le Pen linked Mr. Macron to policies of the outgoing administration that she said had cost jobs and ruined businesses.

Large May day protests were underway in Venezuela, marking a month of disturbances across the country, in which almost 30 people have died. International pressure is increasing on the Maduro government to negotiate with the opposition.

Millions of Cubans have attended May day parades in Havana's Revolution Square and elsewhere, the first since the death of Fidel Castro last year, and the last that his brother, Raul Castro, will attend as President.

President Trump has said he would be willing to meet the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, despite weeks of tough talk against the Pyongyang regime. Mr. Trump said he would be honored to meet Mr. Kim in the right circumstances. But his spokesman emphasized that key conditions would have to be met first.

The authorities in Indian-ministered Kashmir say suspected militants have killed 7 people during an attack on a van loaded with cash. The victims were 2 bank employees and 5 policemen.

At least 27 people were hurt when an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Bangkok hit batches of severe turbulence. Officials said several passengers suffered broken bones.



法国总统选举中立派领先者埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)攻击国民阵线党,极右翼竞争对手勒庞(Marine Le Pen)代表仇恨和暴力。早些时候,勒庞认为马克龙代表的是即将离任的政府的政策,这些政策导致工作机会丧失,损害了企业利益。


数百万古巴人在哈瓦那革命广场和其他地方参加了五一劳动节大游行,这是自去年菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)去世以来的首次游行,也是他的弟弟劳尔·卡斯特罗(Raul Castro)就任总统以前的最后一次。



