向前一步:第66期 要成功 也要受欢迎(17)(在线收听

   Early in her career, Arianna realized that the cost of speaking her mind was that she would inevitably offend someone. 在她事业的初期,阿里安娜发现,直言不讳的成本就是不可避免地冒犯某些人。

  She does not believe it is realistic or even desirable to tell women not to care when we are attacked. 她认为,告诉女性不要把批评放在心上这并不现实,她也不想这么做。
  Her advice is that we should let ourselves react emotionally and feel whatever anger or sadness being criticized evokes for us. 她建议我们应该让自己的情感有所释放,要去面对并体会因受到批评而产生的愤怒或伤感等情绪;
  And then we should quickly move on. 之后,便立即继续前进。
  She points to children as her role model. A child can cry one moment and run off to play the next. 她以孩子为例:一个小孩子可以在这一刻大哭,下一刻就跑去玩耍。
  For me, this has been good advice. 对我来说这是个很好的建议。
  I wish I were strong enough to ignore what others say, but experience tells me I often can't. 我当然希望自己能坚强到对别人的话毫不在意,但经验告诉我,这通常是不可能的。
  Allowing myself to feel upset, even really upset, and then move on — that's something I can do. 不过,允许自己不开心甚至伤心难过,然后继续前行——这是我可以做到的。
  It also helps to lean on one another. 在我们穿越这些“雷区”时,互相依赖也会有帮助。
  We can comfort ourselves with the knowledge that the attacks are not personal. 我们可以认为这些攻击并不是针对某个人的,以此宽慰自己。
  We can joke, as Marlo Thomas did, that  我们还可以开开玩笑,像马洛·托马斯的名言所说的:
  "a man has to be Joe McCarthy in order to be called ruthless. All a woman needs to do is put you on hold." “只有像乔·麦卡锡那样的男人才能被称作冷酷无情,而一个女人要做的就是不能变成他那样。”
  Real change will come when powerful women are less of an exception. 只有当有影响力的女性不再是少数的例外时,真正的变化才会出现。
  It is easy to dislike senior women because there are so few. 人们容易反感身居高层职位的女性是因为她们实在太少见,
  If women held 50 percent of the top jobs, it would just not be possible to dislike that many people. 如果她们的比例达到50%,人们就会接受这种现象了。