老外最常用的英文短语 第764期:remember somebody (sth) ...ing(在线收听

   remember somebody (sth) …ing 记住某人做过某事

  I don't remember you doing the laundry. 我不记得见过你洗衣服。
  I remember people telling me about it. 我记得别人对我说过这件事。
  You remember me telling you that joke, right? 你记得我给你讲过这个笑话吧?
  How can you not remember us kissing? 你怎么能记不得我们接吻呢?
  I really love to go swimming. 我非常喜欢游泳。
  I remember you swimming at the beach. 我还记得你在海边游过泳呢。