冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1144期:第五十四章 琼恩(21)(在线收听

   You heard me. I mean to find Ben Stark, alive or dead. “不错。我打算把班·史塔克找回来,不论是死是活。”

  He chewed and swallowed. 他嚼了几口,吞下火腿。
  "I will not sit here meekly and wait for the snows and the ice winds. “我不会在这里坐等风雪来临,
  We must know what is happening. 我们一定要知道究竟发生了什么。
  This time the Night's Watch will ride in force, against the King-beyond-the-Wall, the Others, and anything else that may be out there. 这次守夜人军团将大举出动,与塞外之王、异鬼,以及其他什么的东西作战。
  I mean to command them myself." He pointed his dagger at Jon's chest. 我将亲自领军。”他拿匕首指着琼恩的胸膛。
  "By custom, the Lord Commander's steward is his squire as well... but I do not care to wake every dawn wondering if you've run off again. “依惯例,总司令的事务官就是他的侍从……但我可不想每天早上醒来,都还要担心你是不是又逃了。
  So I will have an answer from you, Lord Snow, and I will have it now. 所以呢,雪诺大人,你现在就给我个答案:
  Are you a brother of the Night's Watch... or only a bastard boy who wants to play at war?" 你究竟是守夜人的弟兄……还是个只爱玩骑马打仗的私生小毛头?”
  Jon Snow straightened himself and took a long deep breath. 琼恩·雪诺站直身子,深吸一口气。
  Forgive me, Father. Robb, Arya, Bran... forgive me, I cannot help you. 父亲、罗柏、艾莉亚、布兰……请你们原谅我,原谅我不能帮助你们。
  He has the truth of it. This is my place. 他说得没错,我属于这里。
  "I am... yours, my lord. Your man. I swear it. I will not run again." “我……随时听候您差遣,大人。我郑重发誓,绝不再逃跑了。”
  The Old Bear snorted. "Good. Now go put on your sword." 熊老哼了一声。“那敢情好。还不快把剑佩上?”