美国语文第五册 第124期:勒克瑙救援(4)(在线收听

   Never, surely, was there such a scene as that which followed. 眼前未曾出现的一幕就这样发生了。

  Not a heart in the residency of Lucknow but bowed itself before God. 勒克瑙使馆区无人不感激涕零地臣服上帝的力量,
  All, by one simultaneous impulse, fell upon their knees, 一个人跪下了,然后,所有人齐刷刷地跪倒在地。
  and nothing was heard but bursting sobs and the murmured voice of prayer. 嚎啕大哭、低声呜咽或是喃喃细语的祷告裹杂成片。
  Then all arose, and there rang out from a thousand lips a great shout of joy, 接着大家站了起来,上千人震耳欲隆的欢呼声在四面八方久久回荡,
  which resounded far and wide, and lent new vigor to that blessed pibroch. 为快乐的风笛注入了崭新活力。
  To our cheer of "God save the Queen," 为回应“上帝拯救女王”的众人欢腾,
  they replied by the well-known strain that moves every Scot to tears, "Should auld acquaintance be forgot." 士兵们奏响了那首极负盛名的名曲——《友谊地久天长》,
  After that, nothing else made any impression on me. 在场的每一个苏格兰人热泪盈眶。
  I scarcely remember what followed. Jessie was presented to the general on his entrance into the fort, 接下来的事情似乎淡忘了,我实在记不清后面发生了什么。杰西被隆重地介绍给走进要塞的将军;
  and at the officers'banquet her health was drunk by all present,  在官方举办的宴会上,所有在场的人为她的健康干杯。
  while the pipers marched around the table playing once more the familiar air of "Auld Lang Syne." 与此同时,乐手们围绕餐桌队列行进,《友谊地久天长》再一次在风中嘹亮奏响。