美国语文第五册 第129期:迟到(3)(在线收听

   The last moment was up. 执行死刑的最后时刻终于来临,

  The prisoner took his place, the cap was drawn over his eyes, the bolt was drawn, and a lifeless body swung revolving in the wind. 囚犯站到了预定位置,头上帽子被拉下遮住他的眼,闩门掉落,尸体在风中不停地旋转。
  Just at that moment a horseman came into sight, galloping down hill, his steed covered with foam. 就在那时,人们看到一位骑马人飞奔冲下山坡,马儿越跑越近,马嘴边吐着白沫。
  He carried a packet in his right hand, which he waved frantically to the crowd. 那骑马人右手拿着包,发狂地朝人群挥舞,
  He was the express rider with the reprieve; but he came too late. 他正是携带缓刑命令的快件骑手。但他来得太迟了,
  A comparatively innocent man had died an ignominious death  一位相对无辜的人被可耻地结束了生命,
  because a watch had been five minutes too late, making its bearer arrive behind time. 由于那位快件骑手的表慢了五分钟,他最终错过一条生命的宝贵。
  It is continually so in life. 生活中此类事例并不乏见。
  The best laid plans, the most important affairs, the fortunes of individuals, 最佳设定计划,重大或关键事件,个人命运、
  the weal of nations, honor, happiness, life itself, are daily sacrificed, because somebody is "behind time." 民族繁荣、荣誉、幸福乃至生活本身,由于某些人“迟到或晚点”皆成为庸常岁月的牺牲品。
  There are men who always fail in whatever they undertake, simply because they are "'behind time." 这些人,无论他们从事何种工作,失败总是与之形影不离,唯一原因不过在于他们“迟到或晚点”。
  There are others who put off reformation year after year, till death seizes them,  还有一种人的失败原因在于:他们总是年复一年地推迟改变,直到死神将他们彻底带进坟墓。
  and they perish unrepentant, because forever "behind time." 这种人推崇食古不化,因此,“迟到或晚点”对他们来说,意味永远终生错过。