冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1145期:第五十五章 凯特琳(1)(在线收听

   Catelyn. It seemed a thousand years ago that Catelyn Stark had carried her infant son out of Riverrun, 凯特琳。多年以前,凯特琳怀抱襁褓里的儿子,离开奔流城,

  crossing the Tumblestone in a small boat to begin their journey north to Winterfell. 搭乘小船渡过腾石河,北上临冬城。而今想起来,仿佛是千年前的事。
  And it was across the Tumblestone that they came home now, though the boy wore plate and mail in place of swaddling clothes. 而今,他们同样渡过腾石河,重返家园,然而当初那个婴儿,已经长成了披甲戴剑的英挺战士。
  Robb sat in the bow with Grey Wind, his hand resting on his direwolf's head as the rowers pulled at their oars. 划桨起起落落,罗柏和灰风坐在船首,他把手放在冰原狼的头上,
  Theon Greyjoy was with him. 席恩·葛雷乔伊陪伴着他。
  Her uncle Brynden would come behind in the second boat, with the Greatjon and Lord Karstark. 布林登叔叔坐在后面的第二艘船上,与大琼恩和卡史塔克伯爵一道。
  Catelyn took a place toward the stern. 凯特琳坐在船尾,
  They shot down the Tumblestone, letting the strong current push them past the looming Wheel Tower. 他们乘船顺流而下,任腾石河强劲的水流载着他们经过高大的水车塔。
  The splash and rumble of the great waterwheel within was a sound from her girlhood that brought a sad smile to Catelyn's face. 塔内巨大水车辘辘轮转,水声哗啦,儿时种种回忆牵起凯特琳嘴角一抹哀伤的微笑。
  From the sandstone walls of the castle, soldiers and servants shouted down her name, and Robb's, and "Winterfell!" 城中军民排列在砂岩城墙上,高喊着他们母子的名字,高喊着“临冬城万岁!”
  From every rampart waved the banner of House Tully: a leaping trout, silver, against a rippling blue-and-red field. 每一座壁垒上都飘扬着徒利家族的旗帜:一尾腾跃的银色鳟鱼,衬着波动的红蓝底色。
  It was a stirring sight, yet it did not lift her heart. 这是一幅令人振奋的景象,然而凯特琳的心却高兴不起来,
  She wondered if indeed her heart would ever lift again. Oh, Ned... 她怀疑自己的心这辈子还能不能再感受喜悦。噢,奈德……