冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1148期:第五十五章 凯特琳(4)(在线收听

   Will that bring Ned back to me? she said sharply. “那能让奈德活过来吗?”她语气尖锐地说。

  The wound was still too fresh for softer words. 伤口还太新,听不得安慰的话语。
  She could not think about Ned now. She would not. 现在她无法去想与奈德有关的事,也不愿去想。
  It would not do. She had to be strong. 这样是不行的,她必须坚强。
  "All that will keep. I must see Father." “这些以后再说,我要去见父亲。”
  He awaits you in his solar, Edmure said. “他正在书房里等你。”艾德慕道。
  Lord Hoster is bedridden, my lady, her father's steward explained. “夫人,霍斯特大人卧病在床。”父亲的总管解释。
  When had that good man grown so old and grey? 这好人何时变得如此灰白苍老?
  "He instructed me to bring you to him at once." “他吩咐我立刻带您去见他。”
  I'll take her. “让我带她去。”
  Edmure escorted her up the water stair and across the lower bailey, where Petyr Baelish and Brandon Stark had once crossed swords for her favor. 艾德慕陪着她步上临水阶梯,穿越下层庭院,培提尔和布兰登·史塔克就在那里为她拼斗过。
  The massive sandstone walls of the keep loomed above them. 巍峨的砂岩城墙高耸于头顶,
  As they pushed through a door between two guardsmen in fish-crest helms, she asked, "How bad is he?" dreading the answer even as she said the words. 他推开由一道两名头戴鱼纹盔的卫士把守的门,她借机询问:“他的情形有多坏?”她一边说,心里一边害怕即将听到的答案。
  Edmure's look was somber. "He will not be with us long, the maesters say. The pain is... constant, and grievous." 艾德慕神情严肃。“学士说他在人世的时间不长了。病痛时常发作……而且相当厉害。”
  A blind rage filled her, a rage at all the world; at her brother Edmure and her sister Lysa, 一股无名怒火陡然充斥了她的内心,她痛恨这整个世界,痛恨弟弟艾德慕和妹妹莱沙,
  at the Lannisters, at the maesters, at Ned and her father and the monstrous gods who would take them both away from her. 痛恨兰尼斯特家族,痛恨学士,痛恨奈德和父亲,尤其痛恨将他俩自她身边夺走的狰狞诸神。
  "You should have told me," she said. "You should have sent word as soon as you knew." “你应该早点告诉我,”她说,“你知道情形就应该跟我说。”