冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1150期:第五十五章 凯特琳(6)(在线收听

   His eyes opened to the sound of Edmure's voice. 听到艾德慕的声音,他睁开眼睛。

  "Little cat," he murmured in a voice thin and wispy and wracked by pain. "My little cat." “小凯特,”声音细小,充满痛苦,“我的小凯特。”
  A tremulous smile touched his face as his hand groped for hers. "I watched for you... " 他脸上露出一抹颤巍巍的微笑,他摸索着要握她的手。“我在等你哪……”
  I shall leave you to talk, her brother said, kissing their lord father gently on the brow before he withdrew. “你们谈吧。”说着弟弟轻轻吻了父亲大人的额头,然后转身离开。
  Catelyn knelt and took her father's hand in hers. 凯特琳跪下来,握住父亲的手。
  It was a big hand, but fleshless now, the bones moving loosely under the skin, all the strength gone from it. 那手从前虽大,如今却显得枯槁,皮肤松垮垮地覆盖着骨头,早已丧失了所有的力量。
  "You should have told me," she said. "A rider, a raven... " “您早该跟我说,”她说,“派人送信,或是叫鸟儿……”
  Riders are taken, questioned, he answered. "Ravens are brought down... " A spasm of pain took him, and his fingers clutched hers hard. “使者会被抓,被严刑逼供,”他回答,“渡鸦会被射下来……”一阵剧痛突然袭来,他的指头紧紧抓住她的手。
  "The crabs are in my belly... pinching, always pinching. Day and night. “螃蟹在我肚子里……夹啊夹,夹个不停,日夜不休地夹。
  They have fierce claws, the crabs. 他们的钳子好生锐利啊,这些螃蟹。
  Maester Vyman makes me dreamwine, milk of the poppy... I sleep a lot... but I wanted to be awake to see you, when you came. 韦曼师傅调了梦酒给我喝,还有罂粟奶……所以我睡得很多……但你来的时候,我一定要醒着,好好看看你。
  I was afraid... when the Lannisters took your brother, the camps all around us... was afraid I would go, before I could see you again... I was afraid... " 兰尼斯特家抓走你弟弟那会儿……我好害怕……到处是他们的营地……我好怕我就这么走了,没机会再见你一面……我好怕……”