冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1156期:第五十五章 凯特琳(12)(在线收听

   These are the ones who keep the old gods, she realized. She asked herself what gods she kept these days, and could not find an answer. 这些是依旧信奉古老诸神的人,她明白,但当她扪心自问:如今的自己究竟信奉哪个神?却找不到答案。

  It would not do to disturb them at their prayers. 她只觉不应打扰他们祷告,
  The gods must have their due... even cruel gods who would take Ned from her, and her lord father as well. So Catelyn waited. 诸神行事自有其理由……即便是从她手中夺走奈德,夺走父亲大人的残酷神祗,于是凯特琳静静等候。
  The river wind moved through the high branches, and she could see the Wheel Tower to her right, ivy crawling up its side. 河风吹动树梢,她看到右边远方的水车塔,上面爬满了长春藤。
  As she stood there, all the memories came flooding back to her. 伫立原地,所有的回忆排山倒海般向她袭来,
  Her father had taught her to ride amongst these trees, and that was the elm that Edmure had fallen from when he broke his arm, 当年父亲正是在这片树林里教她骑马,艾德慕曾经从那棵榆树上摔下来,跌断了手臂,
  and over there, beneath that bower, she and Lysa had played at kissing with Petyr. 她和莱沙还在那片树荫下与培提尔玩亲吻游戏。
  She had not thought of that in years. How young they all had been, she no older than Sansa, Lysa younger than Arya, and Petyr younger still, yet eager. 她已有多年不曾回想起这些事,记得他们当时年纪还小——她自己与现在的珊莎相若,莱莎比艾莉亚年幼,培提尔则更小,却最迫不及待。
  The girls had traded him between them, serious and giggling by turns. 两个女孩轮流和他接吻,一会儿郑重其事,一会儿咯咯直笑,
  It came back to her so vividly she could almost feel his sweaty fingers on her shoulders and taste the mint on his breath. 如今回想起来,历历在目。她仿佛还可以感觉到他搭着她肩膀的手,大汗淋漓,闻到他嘴里的薄荷气味。
  There was always mint growing in the godswood, and Petyr had liked to chew it. 神木林里薄荷遍地,培提尔没事最爱嚼个几片。
  He had been such a bold little boy, always in trouble. " 那时的他真是个胆大的小鬼,一天到晚闯祸。