冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1158期:第五十五章 凯特琳(14)(在线收听

   Edmure sat in the high seat of the Tullys, with Brynden Blackfish at his side,  艾德慕坐上了徒利家族的高位,身旁是黑鱼布林登,

  and his father's bannermen arrayed to right and left and along the side tables. 他父亲的封臣则分坐于左右两侧。
  Word of the victory at Riverrun had spread to the fugitive lords of the Trident, drawing them back. 原本兵败逃亡的三叉戟河贵族,接获奔流城捷报后,又纷纷回来了。
  Karyl Vance came in, a lord now, his father dead beneath the Golden Tooth. 卡利尔·凡斯的父亲战死于金牙山城,如今他已继承了爵位。
  Sir Marq Piper was with him, and they brought a Darry, Sir Raymun's son, a lad no older than Bran. 与他同来的有马柯·派柏,此外还有雷蒙·戴瑞爵士的儿子,那孩子年纪和布兰差不多。
  Lord Jonos Bracken arrived from the ruins of Stone Hedge, glowering and blustering, and took a seat as far from Tytos Blackwood as the tables would permit. 杰诺斯·布雷肯伯爵怒火冲天地从石篱城的废墟中赶来,并尽可能地跟泰陀斯·布莱伍德伯爵保持距离。
  The northern lords sat opposite, with Catelyn and Robb facing her brother across the tables. They were fewer. 凯特琳、罗柏和北境诸侯坐在高位对面,面朝她弟弟。他们人数较少。
  The Greatjon sat at Robb's left hand, and then Theon Greyjoy; Galbart Glover and Lady Mormont were to the right of Catelyn. 大琼恩坐在罗柏左手,之后是席恩·葛雷乔伊;盖伯特·葛洛佛和莫尔蒙伯爵夫人坐在凯特琳右侧。
  Lord Rickard Karstark, gaunt and hollow-eyed in his grief, took his seat like a man in a nightmare, his long beard uncombed and unwashed. 遭受丧子之痛的瑞卡德·卡史塔克伯爵形容憔悴,眼神空洞,宛如噩梦缠身的人,长长的胡子也不再梳洗。
  He had left two sons dead in the Whispering Wood, 他的两个儿子战死于呓语森林,
  and there was no word of the third, his eldest, who had led the Karstark spears against Tywin Lannister on the Green Fork. 长子则率领卡史塔克部队在绿叉河与泰温·兰尼斯特作战,至今生死未卜。
  The arguing raged on late into the night. 接下来是持续的争吵,直至深夜。
  Each lord had a right to speak, and speak they did...and shout, and curse, and reason, and cajole, and jest, and bargain, 每位贵族都有权发言,他们也各自把握机会,卯足全力……或大吼大叫、或高声咒骂、或晓之以理、或连哄带骗、或语带玩笑、或讨价还价、
  and slam tankards on the table, and threaten, and walk out, and return sullen or smiling. 或拿酒拍桌、或出言要胁,时时有人愤而离席,然后沉着脸或微笑着回来。
  Catelyn sat and listened to it all. 凯特琳静静地坐着,凝神倾听。