冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1159期:第五十五章 凯特琳(15)(在线收听

   Roose Bolton had re-formed the battered remnants of their other host at the mouth of the causeway. 根据情报,卢斯·波顿已在颈泽的堤道口重整败军,

  Sir Helman Tallhart and Walder Frey still held the Twins. 赫曼·陶哈爵士和瓦德·佛雷则依旧握有孪河城。
  Lord Tywin's army had crossed the Trident, and was making for Harrenhal. 泰温公爵的部队已经回头渡过三叉戟河,正朝赫伦堡前进。
  And there were two kings in the realm. Two kings, and no agreement. 目前国内有两人称王,且彼此互不相让。
  Many of the lords bannermen wanted to march on Harrenhal at once, to meet Lord Tywin and end Lannister power for all time. 许多诸侯希望即刻进军赫伦堡,与泰温公爵决战,一举消灭兰尼斯特势力。
  Young, hot-tempered Marq Piper urged a strike west at Casterly Rock instead. Still others counseled patience. 血气方刚的年轻人马柯·派柏更力主派兵西进凯岩城。但仍有不少人建议暂缓行动。
  Riverrun sat athwart the Lannister supply lines, Jason Mallister pointed out; 杰森·梅利斯特特别指出:眼下奔流城刚好扼住兰尼斯特军的补给线,
  let them bide their time, denying Lord Tywin fresh levies and provisions while they strengthened their defenses and rested their weary troops. 不妨把握这个优势,阻止泰温大人获得补充兵力和物资,并借机加强自身防御,让疲累的军队得到休整。
  Lord Blackwood would have none of it. They should finish the work they began in the Whispering Wood. 对所有谨慎的提议,布莱伍德伯爵一概听不进去,他认为应该乘着呓语森林之战的势头,
  March to Harrenhal and bring Roose Bolton's army down as well. 早日结束战事,所以不但要立刻进军赫伦堡,还要卢斯·波顿的部队南下配合支援。
  What Blackwood urged, Bracken opposed, as ever; 依照惯例,只要是布莱伍德家族的主意,布雷肯家族一定反对到底,
  Lord Jonos Bracken rose to insist they ought pledge their fealty to King Renly, and move south to join their might to his. 于是杰诺斯·布雷肯起身力促大家向蓝礼国王效忠,并南下与其大军会师。
  Renly is not the king, Robb said. It was the first time her son had spoken. Like his father, he knew how to listen. “蓝礼不是国王。”罗柏说。这是会议以来他首次开口。他知道何时该留心倾听,这点颇有乃父之风。