冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1161期:第五十五章 凯特琳(17)(在线收听

   The right, said Robb stubbornly. Catelyn thought he sounded eerily like his father as he said it. “依照律法,他的权利先于蓝礼。”罗柏固执地说。凯特琳觉得他说话的模样像极了他父亲,竟有些害怕。

  So you mean us to declare for Stannis? asked Edmure. “那么,你的意思是要我们投效史坦尼斯大人?”艾德慕问。
  I don't know, said Robb. "I prayed to know what to do, but the gods did not answer. “我不知道。”罗柏说,“我向诸神祈求,希望他们指点接下来的方向,但他们并未回答。
  The Lannisters killed my father for a traitor, and we know that was a lie, 兰尼斯特说我父亲是叛徒,并谋害了他,我们都知道这是无耻的谎言,
  but if Joffrey is the lawful king and we fight against him, we will be traitors." 可是,倘若乔佛里是合法的国王,而我们又举兵反抗,那我们就真的成了叛徒了。”
  My lord father would urge caution, aged Sir Stevron said, with the weaselly smile of a Frey. “在目前的情势下,家父会敦促各位谨慎行事,”年长的史提夫伦爵士说,露出佛雷家黄鼠狼般的招牌微笑。
  "Wait, let these two kings play their game of thrones. “何妨静观其变,让两个国王大玩权力游戏呢?
  When they are done fighting, we can bend our knees to the victor, or oppose him, as we choose. 等他们打完了,我们既可以向胜利者称臣,也可以举兵反抗,一切任凭我们抉择。
  With Renly arming, likely Lord Tywin would welcome a truce ... and the safe return of his son. 而目前蓝礼既已起兵,泰温大人应该会急于与我方谈和……并换取他儿子平安归去。
  Noble lords, allow me to go to him at Harrenhal and arrange good terms and ransoms... " 诸位可敬的大人,就让我前往赫伦堡,与他谈判休兵的条件,并提出赎金……”
  A roar of outrage drowned out his voice. "Craven!" the Greatjon thundered. 一声怒吼淹没了他的话音。“你这个懦夫!”大琼恩吼道。
  "Begging for a truce will make us seem weak," declared Lady Mormont. “乞求议和就是示弱。”莫尔蒙伯爵夫人也宣布。
  "Ransoms be damned, we must not give up the Kingslayer," shouted Rickard Karstark. “去他妈的赎金,说什么我们都不能放走弑君者!”瑞卡德·卡史塔克伯爵叫道。
  Why not a peace? Catelyn asked. “为什么不议和?”凯特琳问。
  The lords looked at her, but it was Robb's eyes she felt, his and his alone. 诸侯们全转过头来,盯着她,但她只感觉得出罗柏注视她的眼神。
  "My lady, they murdered my lord father, your husband," he said grimly. “母亲,他们谋杀了我的父亲,您的丈夫。”他沉痛地说。