冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1162期:第五十五章 凯特琳(18)(在线收听

   He unsheathed his longsword and laid it on the table before him, the bright steel on the rough wood. 他抽出长剑,放在面前的桌子上,精钢打造的利刃在粗糙的木头上闪着寒光。

  "This is the only peace I have for Lannisters." “我拿这个跟他们谈判。”
  The Greatjon bellowed his approval, and other men added their voices, shouting and drawing swords and pounding their fists on the table. 大琼恩高声附和,其他人也表示同意,他们或随之呐喊,或握拳拍桌,纷纷抽出佩剑。
  Catelyn waited until they had quieted. 凯特琳静待他们平息。
  "My lords," she said then, "Lord Eddard was your liege, but I shared his bed and bore his children. “诸位大人,”她接着说,“艾德大人是各位的主子和同僚,但我与他同床共枕,为他生儿育女,
  Do you think I love him any less than you?" 难道我对他的爱不如各位么?”
  Her voice almost broke with her grief, but Catelyn took a long breath and steadied herself. 她哀恸得险些没了声音,但她深吸一口气,用力安抚情绪。
  "Robb, if that sword could bring him back, I should never let you sheathe it until Ned stood at my side once more... “罗柏,假如用剑可以使他起死回生,那么直到奈德再次站在我身边为止,我都绝不允许你收剑入鞘……
  but he is gone, and hundred Whispering Woods will not change that. 然而逝者已矣,纵然有一百次呓语森林大捷也改变不了这事实。
  Ned is gone, and Daryn Hornwood, and Lord Karstark's valiant sons, and many other good men besides, and none of them will return to us. 奈德走了,戴林恩·霍伍德走了,卡史塔克大人两个英勇的儿子,以及除此之外许许多多的人都走了,他们都不会再回来。
  Must we have more deaths still?" 难道我们还要赔上更多人命?”
  You are a woman, my lady, the Greatjon rumbled in his deep voice. "Women do not understand these things." “夫人,您毕竟是女人家,”大琼恩用那浑厚低沉的声音说:“女人家不懂这种事。”
  You are the gentle sex, said Lord Karstark, with the lines of grief fresh on his face. "A man has a need for vengeance." “女人家心肠软,”卡史塔克伯爵道,脸上刻满悲伤的痕迹。“男人是需要复仇的。”
  Give me Cersei Lannister, Lord Karstark, and you would see how gentle a woman can be, Catelyn replied. “卡史塔克大人,把瑟曦·兰尼斯特交到我手上,我就让您见识一下女人家的心肠有多软。”
  "Perhaps I do not understand tactics and strategy... but I understand futility. 凯特琳回答:“我或许不懂战术谋略……但我知道什么是徒劳无功。