冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1163期:第五十五章 凯特琳(19)(在线收听

   We went to war when Lannister armies were ravaging the riverlands, and Ned was a prisoner, falsely accused of treason. 我们出兵打仗,是为了阻止兰尼斯特军在河间地烧杀掳掠,是为了拯救遭人诬陷,身陷囹圄的奈德。

  We fought to defend ourselves, and to win my lord's freedom. 我们的目的在于保护领土,并使我夫君重获自由。”
  Well, the one is done, and the other forever beyond our reach. “目前我们已经达成一个目的,而另一个则永远不可能达成。
  I will mourn for Ned until the end of my days, but I must think of the living. 虽然直到我死的那一天,我都会为奈德哀悼,然而我必须首先为生者考虑。
  I want my daughters back, and the queen holds them still. 我希望我的两个女儿能平安归来,她们如今还在太后手里。
  If I must trade our four Lannisters for their two Starks, I will call that a bargain and thank the gods. 倘若我必须拿四个兰尼斯特家人去交换两个史塔克家人,我认为这样非常划算,并为此感谢天上诸神。
  I want you safe, Robb, ruling at Winterfell from your father's seat. 罗柏,我希望你平平安安,接替你父亲的爵位,统治临冬城。
  I want you to live your life, to kiss a girl and wed a woman and father a son. 我希望能见你幸福快乐地生活,亲吻女孩的双唇,娶妻生子。
  I want to write an end to this. 我希望能结束这一切。
  I want to go home, my lords, and weep for my husband. 诸位大人,我渴望重返家园,并为亡夫哭泣终老。”
  The hall was very quiet when Catelyn finished speaking. 凯特琳语毕,大厅一片寂然。
  Peace, said her uncle Brynden. "Peace is sweet, my lady... but on what terms? “议和,”布林登叔叔说,“夫人,能议和自然好……但在什么条件之下呢?
  It is no good hammering your sword into a plowshare if you must forge it again on the morrow." 如果今日议和,马放南山,明日便得拿起武器,重返战场,这是没有意义的。”
  What did Torrhen and my Eddard die for, if I am to return to Karhold with nothing but their bones? asked Rickard Karstark. “假如我只能带着儿子的尸骨返回卡霍城,那么我的托伦和艾德死了又有何价值?”瑞卡德·卡史塔克质问。
  Aye, said Lord Bracken. "Gregor Clegane laid waste to my fields, slaughtered my smallfolk, and left Stone Hedge a smoking ruin. “没错,”布雷肯伯爵道,“格雷果·克里冈烧光我的田地,屠杀我的子民,石篱城而今只剩一片焦黑废墟。
  Am I now to bend the knee to the ones who sent him? 难道我还得向派他来的人卑躬屈膝?
  What have we fought for, if we are to put all back as it was before?" 假如能这么轻易地忘记一切,何必辛辛苦苦打仗呢?”