冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1170期:第五十六章 丹妮莉丝(5)(在线收听

   She turned to the three young warriors of her khas. 她转身面对自己卡斯部众的三名年轻战士。

  "Jhogo, to you I give the silver-handled whip that was my bride gift, and name you ko, “乔戈,这把银柄长鞭是我的新娘礼,在此我把它送给你,并任命你为寇,
  and ask your oath, that you will live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm." 同时要求你宣誓成为吾血之血,与我同生共死,并肩作战,保护我免于危难。”
  Jhogo took the whip from her hands, but his face was confused. 乔戈从她手中接过鞭子,脸上却满是困惑。
  "Khaleesi, " he said hesitantly, "this is not done. “卡丽熙,”他有些犹豫地说,“这事不成的。
  It would shame me, to be bloodrider to a woman." 当女人的血盟卫,会令我感到羞耻的。”
  Aggo, Dany called, paying no heed to Jhogo's words. “阿戈,”丹妮唤道,不理会乔戈的话。
  If I look back I am lost. 如果我回头,一切就都完了。
  "To you I give the dragonbone bow that was my bride gift." “这把龙骨长弓是我的新娘礼,在此我把它送给你,”
  It was double-curved, shiny black and exquisite, taller than she was. 那把双弧龙弓,雕工精细,乌黑发亮,立起来比她还高。
  "I name you ko, and ask your oath, that you should live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm." “我也任命你为寇,同时要求你宣誓成为吾血之血,与我同生共死,并肩作战,保护我免于危难。”
  Aggo accepted the bow with lowered eyes. 阿戈垂下眼睛,接受了那把弓。
  "I cannot say these words. Only a man can lead a khalasar or name a ko." “我无法宣誓。只有男人才能领导卡拉萨,或是任命别人为寇。”
  Rakharo, Dany said, turning away from the refusal, “拉卡洛,”丹妮不理会他的拒绝。
  "you shall have the great arakh that was my bride gift, with hilt and blade chased in gold. “这把亚拉克巨弯刀是我的新娘礼,它的刀鞘和刀身都镶上了金线,
  And you too I name my ko, and ask that you live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm." 在此我把它送给你,并任命你为寇,同时要求你成为吾血之血,与我同生共死,并肩作战,保护我免于危难。”