天真与经验之歌:第3篇 飘荡着回声的草地(在线收听

   The Echoing Green 飘荡着回声的草地

  The sun does arise, 太阳升起来,
  And make happy the skies; 天空也欢快。
  The merry bells ring 快乐的钟声齐鸣,
  To welcome the Spring; 欢迎这春天降临。
  The skylark and thrush, 云雀和画眉,
  The birds of the bush, 灌木丛中的鸟群,
  Sing louder around 周围的歌声更加嘹亮。
  To the bells' cheerful sound; 配合着快活的钟儿响,
  While our sports shall be seen 这时看得见我们嬉戏,
  On the echoing green. 在这飘荡着回声的草地。
  Old John, with white hair, 老约翰一头白发,
  Does laugh away care, 笑得毫无牵挂,
  Sitting under the oak, 坐在橡树下面,
  Among the old folk. 在老人们的中间。
  They laugh at our play, 他们笑着看我们玩耍,
  And soon they all say, 一会他们就都说开啦,
  'Such, such were the joys 这些也曾是我们的乐趣,
  When we all girls and boys, 当我们都还是少男少女,
  In our youth-time were seen 那时我们还正在青春时期
  On the echoing green.' 就在这飘荡着回声的草地。
  Till the little ones, weary, 等到小孩子们都玩累啦,
  No more can be merry: 他们不再嘻嘻哈哈,
  The sun does descend, 太阳正在下降,
  And our sports have an end. 我们的嬉戏就此收场:
  Round the laps of their mothers 有多少兄弟姊妹,
  Many sisters and brothers, 偎依在妈妈周围,
  Like birds in their nest, 就像窠里的小鸟,
  Are ready for rest, 准备着要睡觉了:
  And sport no more seen 再也看不见有人嬉戏,
  On the darkening green. 在那渐渐暗下来的草地。